Master Tang and Bing Bing Sunday Dosage. #SkateIntoLove

As the second OTP had pointed out, I like that Master Tang and Bing Bing’s priority at the moment is their individual growth. Dating didn’t change their personal goal, rather they continue to be the source of each other’s energy and inspiration. They might not meet up often, but they know they are on each other’s thoughts all the time.

Master Tang was worried at the beginning that she might lose her individuality for dating the captain of the ice hockey team and only be labelled as his girlfriend. But she later realized, through the help of her girlfriends, that she could use that as her goal, catch up with him and stand on an equal footing with him. Ahhhh~ how to fall for my OTP more and more.


    They’re so childish yet so matured!!! 😍😍😍


      Yes so playful with each other but they grow as individuals and as a couple. I love that Bing Bing listened to his coach to talk to Master Tang about his worry. It’s all about communication that gets the relationship working. He’s got a really great coach; *eyeing at you Little Lamb’s coach*.
