#MyAhjusshi #rewatch Ep 3

If someone were to ask me what this drama was about, based on this episode, these are the key words I came up with: Middle aged loneliness. Middle class mediocrity. The absence of temptation. Boredom. Frustration. Hatred. Jealousy. Joblessness. Depression. Lethargy. Dullness. Failure. Demotivation. 

No one would want to watch this drama based on this description. But this is what makes it so compelling: its realism. This drama holds up a mirror to all of us. Life’s exactly like this. Everyone you know and their aunt has or will experience all of these things. Even you will. As will I. It’s just that it will all be bundled up in a ball of chaos, happiness, kindness, love and more. And just like life, this drama never really resolves these issues with any finality. All it does is leave you with the realisation that it’s all a package deal. You live life with all of this, and take what you want from it (including the choice to not live life at all). It’s a powerful spiritual/existential message to leave an audience with.

The more I think of it, the more I realise it’s such a bold and ambitious subject to take up for a drama intended to be aired on prime time television. It takes a lot of courageous people to pull this off. Thank you to all of you who made this for blessing us with this gem.


    I still wonder how they got it approved to be made. They must have waited a while for that. While PD KWS has worked on non conventional stories and made them a hit, this is the kind of show that’s opposite to commercial entertainment, the one that sells. This has to be a passion project of the writer and director and I’m glad they made it possible because we got to see it.


      I know, right! It’s like a lot of pieces just fell together at the right time and the right place. So grateful!


        KWS fell in love with the script the moment he read it and wished he had received it earlier, but I remember going noooo… This was produced at just the right time to get this perfect cast together, including the last minute substitution of Park Ho San. Furthermore, KWS had so much faith in the script and crew that he unabashedly declared it a masterpiece at their first script-reading session.
