OK Circle, let’s do this. How’re you gonna try to blow my mind today? I got one theory left, but it’s not lookin’ good and I’m pretty sure it’s best to let you do you, since you do it so well.


    Gearing up to watch right now. As of Ep 10 start, my WooJin is dead theory still has legs!


      My theory gained a modicum of traction yesterday (it’s got to do with Byul and the twins) but I’m waiting to see if my hunch from the last few weeks will pan out today or if I’m just making shit up to get by week-to-week.


        You know this whole thing ends w/ Byul getting her memories back too, right? #TheoryTime


          Oh most definitely.

          Also, I had an inkling that Woo Jin was connected to the computer system that powered Human B after the star reveal, which turned my original theory on it’s side. It seems more like his involvement is involutary/hostage like rather than willing participant. I’m not gonna lie, I’m a little disappointed.


            I still think the actor playing Future WooJin is still Yeo Jin Gu. And he did die…but they cloned him and stuck his memories inside a new body.

            Also, I’m still pretty convinced that despite evidence to the contrary, Joon Hyuk is Woojin, not BumGyum. Too many similar mannerisms for me that the actors are sharing.


            I don’t even know if they bothered sticking the memories in the clone. I’ve had a clone theory from pretty early on, but now I’m starting to think it’s an end game for human B rather than where they started.

            But I’m 50/50 on whether Joon Hyuk is Woo Jin. The mannerisms are similar, but they are ones that could have belonged to both. Plus, I feel like if he is Bum Gyum but he recovered all his memories from Woo Jin’s memory, then it wouldn’t be strange if he picked up Woo Jin’s mannerisms.


      Oh, I hope he’s a clone! Human B’s end game is cloning people, making a new human race. Which is why YJG will still play Woo Jin in 2037 and still look 20– that’s my story and I’m sticking with it. 😜


        Yep. Since we heard that they were keeping the identity of future WooJin’s actor under wraps, my theory has been ageless wonder YJG.

        Here’s a neat idea: If they don’t give WooJin 2.0 the WooJin Memories, did he somehow manage to remember Byul and his Bro and shut down the supercomputer even without those memories? Or, to pose it philosophically, does memory somehow embed itself into the very DNA of the subject and transcend this science that’s been central to the mystery?


          I’m also starting to entertain an time traveling theory, but this could be my fasting-
          exhausted, sleep-deprived mind. At this point I almost feel it’s better to just let the show do what it wants, because it has yet to really disappoint me. In a small way I’m glad it’ll be over next week, because at least we’ll hopefully get answers.


            Fasting is evil. Have a snickers. Or some kimchi. Whatever.


          I’m getting The Truman Show vibes where human b raised this child and imbedded memories in him, molding him into the Woo Jin they needed. But the whole twin connection foiled their plan. There have been many twin studies and anecdotal evidence that twins have some kind of telepathy and I’m sure kdramas with their love of communication without actually talking would have used this to their benefit.


            What if they’re not twins? What if Woojin = BumGyun?


            By which, I mean, that clearly BumGyun is the control, while WooJin is the experiment.


            I’ve been entertaining the idea that the twins are genetically engineered in some way for a while now, but I’m still not entirely sure. In a lot of ways it seems as if their whole upbringing was very clinical, but that could be because their mother died and their father was a scientist. But that begs the question, why did he hide his work from them? So I dunno.


            Yes, I get you! However, would their mom have allowed her son to be cloned right after birth? I can see that dad doing it, but not their mom. What happened to her? From what I can tell, the twins grew up together, so that cloning would have had to occur early, in the late 90’s. Dolly the sheep was cloned around then, in 1996. If the twins were 20 in 2017, they would have had to be cloned around 1997. I guess it’s plausible, and human b would probably have had influence over their dad to do it. That would turn everything on its head, wouldn’t it?


            But maybe they’re not clones of one another? Maybe they’re clones of a specific person? Because it’s pretty clear from their looks that they’re fraternal twins (i.e. developed from two different eggs), and from my (very limited understanding) of the theories behind cloning, clones should be more like identical twins (i.e. they developed from a single zygote) because they’re genetic copies of one another. (And then that’s where the whole nature/nurture debate comes in, and I’m not sure I need to get into that here. You can just watch Orphan Black instead.)


            True, they would have to be identical, but I bet it’s hard to find a YJG lookalike who is not in another drama at the same time. 😜 #kimminjae #besthit


          Oh, I definitely finished off my ice cream when I was watching Circle.
