Amusing (and yet sad) that a comment asking people to be tolerant can get downvotes. And no one bothering to explain why or discuss.

@javabeans pls pls reconsider having the downvote button?


    It is sad, and I can’t believe someone downvoted Javabeans! Downvotes are becoming so ridiculous, I just can’t!


      It’s not the fact that it was her who was downvoted, but the fact that what she said wasn’t downvote worthy at all. I mean she apologized for crying out loud! And tho DB is not really her personal site any longer (it’s too big now) but she still is (one of) the boss so she can damn well do whatever she likes as long as it doesn’t harm people.

      And if people disagree then jolly well explain, since it’s not obvious to the rest of us why, and don’t hide your displeasure behind a button.


        Exactly what we’ve been saying about downvotes all along! Don’t just hit a button and run, explain, discuss and argue! I’m an Arab Muslim Hijabi girl, yes, the topic is sensitive and it hurts to see us being degraded like that but Javabeans has nothing to do with it, plus she apologized for it, why downvote that?


          Really glad you are proud of who you are and not letting what happened upset you too much. I’m sorry for your hurt and how insensitive it must have been. I don’t condone such insensitivities at all, but I must admit I’m equally saddened by the angry response to it here. Especially when a lot of it is directed at people whose only “mistake” is to not vocally and loudly display their anger towards this event. Like me. People have this “if you aren’t with us, you are against us” type of mentality which is upsetting.

          All I ever wanted was for everyone to take a step back, stop making it personal, and just breathe. We all are human. I respect my Muslim friends very much so, and I hope that Korea learns to not be so insular, but certainly anger and resentment towards them seems to be more harmful than peaceful explanations of why it hurt.


            Thank you! I’ve already talked about this the other day so I saw no point in repeating myself and wasting my time and energy on the recap thread, people have a mean way of twisting your words whether you’re with them or against them . The level of ignorance is baffling but then being all worked up about it is not going to help! I was actually really surprised to see the downvotes in the recap thread, and like you said people need to understand that just because someone is not siding with you doesn’t necessarily mean they’re against you, it’s sad really! Some people are respectful when explaining their POVs but some are plain rude, I do understand where that is coming from because that’s the hurt I feel too but I really wish they take a moment to think before talking!



            Yup! I got more downvotes and was accused some nasty things, but oh well. I’m going to go eat some ice cream! Won’t let the downvotes or comments ruin my day. Hope you have a great week ahead too! ❤️


    I got downvoted for saying that I thought downvotes should be saved for spoilers and trolls. If you don’t like someone’s opinion you can simply not up vote. But I guess my statement was too controversial.


      Erm no I don’t think it’s very controversial. But I think people have been very downvote happy lately. *shrug*

      I admit the first downvote upset me the most, and now I’m less affected tho it still does sting.

      I have a feeling the way the site is programmed is limiting whether they can remove the downvote or not sadly. Or maybe it’s too much work? So unfortunately I’m almost resigned that downvotes are here to stay. 🙁
