I got the tickets!!!!!! I’m going to see FT Island in Paris!!!!!!!!!!


    haha…congrats. have fun!!




      I wish you and Sic could come along, it would be so much fun!

      *is already wondering whether or not she’ll run into them while in Paris* *is totally fangirling* *does not like that but is at the same time way too excited to do care*

      I wish I knew the setlist, I’m so gonnna cram their songs and learn all the lyrics beforehand hahahaha. I want to be able to properly sing along 😛


        Gosh i am so excited for you! Even more than I was for @sicarius‘ GD concert because this is FTI! We have been talking about them for like forever!

        I so wish I could come too! One day, one day we will all go to a FTI concert together!

        Fangirl away! Sometimes fangirling is good for your health! And what if you might actually run into them? That would be so awesome!

        Hee… I am sure you will be scream-singing along with them!


          Ikr, I can’t believe I’m actually going! And in Paris! I’ve never done anything like this before and it took me like 5 mins to decide I was going haha. Normally it’d take me dayssssss. But it’s F T I S L A N D :O I thought I’d never get the chance to see them live!

          Yes! We’ll totally do that! Maybe one day we could all meet up in SK and have a trip there and go to concerts 😀 Or Japan, cause both FTI and Winner have a lot of shows there 😉

          Haha let’s hope you’re right, cuz the amount of fangirling I’m doing right now is no joke!
          I have no idea what I’d do if I ran into them… I mean, I’ve met celebs before, this is teeny tiny Denmark after all, but never someone I’d been fangirling over like FTI haha. I’m secretly hoping that Hongki will post one of his “come have a drink at this bar if you can find it” instas hahahahahaha 😛 (well not so secretly anymore I guess LOL)

          Or quiet-singing out of fear people will hear me and it’ll sound awful and I’ll be publicly shamed haha O.o I should scream-sing along though! *makes mental note to remember not to be too shy and just forget other people*


            I know!!! I remember talking to you about FTI being the group to hear live because they seem so much more amazing live and it is coming true and I am so frigging happy for you!

            Totally!! SK.. because it is the reason why we are on DB and have “met”! Japan yes- why do they love japan so much- and yes WINNER! 😀

            Hehe… I am right. I know so! And you are not crazy fangirling just happy fangirling which is perfect!

            Lol.. I actually thought of their random fan-bar meets when you mentioned meeting them! It would be just so amazing! But how will you talk to them? *Googles how to learn to speak fluent Korean in one month* *Am I going too far ahead?* Oh but they know English!

            No no.. don’t care about other people! It will be your day!! Who are you going with? Did the friend agree?


          Aww haha thank you 😀

          Whew, glad it at least doesn’t seem like crazy fangirling haha!

          I have no idea what you’re talking about or why you’re worrying. I know how to say “shoe” and “bread”. That will obviously be enough to carry on a proper conversation! 😛

          Mmmh well, she’s agreed, except she doesn’t know until Sep when a study trip she’s going on will be and it may be at the same time. But I’m just gonna go ahead and book everything and then if she can’t go, I have another friend I could ask and if she can’t then my mom’s coming along for a mother-daughter trip ^^


            Hahaha… well I wish you good luck with that shoe-bread conversation! 😛 You never know, it might just be one of the most memorable conversations of your life! Look at me already sure that you are meeting them! 😉

            Yay for backups! And awesome mothers! 😀



          YESSSS *runs round in circles at the possibilities* One day we will.

          Girl, don’t worry about other people, they’ll all be singing horribly anyway. Plus, you can actually sing hahaha.

          *more happy dancing in her chair*


            (and also well… FTI is the reason Kaybee and I started talking in the first place!!!!)


            Hahaha 😀 I love how excited you both are when you’re not even going kkkk ^^

            Haha true, so I’ll just be one of many singing poorly 😛 Mmmmh yeah, dunno about that. I wish I could sing much better than I do. The last singing teacher was awful though. His idea of singing was literally using full volume NONSTOP no matter what the song was doing. From the first to the last note. Full power. Like. No. That’s not singing. That’s called screaming.

            Hahahahahaha well you’ll definitely see me fangirling frequently right up until the concert and after too!! If I get to take some pics or vids on my phone I’ll see if I can share here 😀

            *joins in the happy dancing from her bed* *yes I’m still in bed at noon okay* *has not had a single day to relax in weeks and has hardly even sat done for two weeks so I get to stay in bed today* 😛
            *have to go out and get the tickets printed though* *has no printer toner left* *can’t find any anywhere which is weird* *why make printers you can’t buy toner for* *facedesk headpalm*

            TRUE! We did start talking cuz of FTI!


          Well. IT’s YOU. + FTI. How could we not be hehe.

          Ahhh whatever you said you sing, I’ve never heard you but I belif you.
          LAWL WHAT. Don’t think said teacher knows how to sing though!!! ahaha

          Will document all @kaybee fangirling for future proof and reference. 😉 😉

          *you most certainly do and are allowed to* *enjoy yourself hehe*😛
          Ahhh what? Silly printer… you have till October to get them printed though so you’ll be fine haha.

          Yes! And it was awesome… cos we were both really excited to find other FTI followers. And it got long REALLY QUICKLY. Goodness it’s been about 8 months now… O.o


            Ikr, that’s just awful. And he gave me a song from Jesus Christ Superstar. And I don’t like that show and it was one that was completely awful and he just didn’t care, bc all students got the same song and I’d apparently learn to love it. Not. Also, I sing more loudly once I’ve gotten the rhythm and notes right, bc then I feel more relaxed and comfortable. But he kept making me sing the same line over and over until it was loud enough, when I honestly need a few runthroughs to get into the groove of a song. And he chalked everything down to me being insecure, which no. I was insecure bc he was a poor teacher. *smh*

            Ahhh yes that’s true. Maybe I’ll just print them out tomorrow, I’m so exhausted. I was farsighted enough to buy a frozen pizza yesterday kkk and ice cream weeeee, so I can just relax and be gross all day and not care 😛

            You were the first FTI follower I found, we’re such a rare breed! I thought it’d been longer actually lol, I feel like I’ve known you and @obsessedmuch forever, cuz we’ve talked about so much lol.


          Never seen it to be honest. (Shock horror I know haha) But he sounds useless and detrimental to your singing confidence :/

          Ahahaha yes I was just about to tell you to not do anything and breathe! And you’d already planned to haha. Pizza and ice cream is a great combination. 😀 What kind of ice cream?

          Wow! Yes!
          I went back through and checked all my comments recently and bookmarked some of our first OT, and it was February. It feels like longer indeed! I mean, 15-20k comments between us and a lot of those will just be us three. Plus when we talk it’s either BIG paragraphs or short snippets hehe. I am glad to talk so much with you two though 😀


            I know some of the plot and it’s just such a major “ugh” for me that I’ve never watched it. But I did watch clips of the song he chose. And it was just a really bad choice for me, not just musically, but also content-wise.
            I realized after my last time there that I’d been so tense while there that my muscles were aching and my throat hurt :/ I never went back lol.

            Errmmmm…. So…. That didn’t happen… Well the pizza part did, cuz girl gotta eat, but the resting part not so much. I finished unpacking the boxes… So yay lol! I just can’t seem to relax properly when I know how much there is to be done.
            Can’t remember tbh. Cookie dough I think? Haven’t tried that before, but it was on sale and looked good.

            Hahaha I just read it, our first convo and it’s all about Block B, FTI and weirdly deep shit about Life and Stuff. It’s so us it’s almost embarrassing lmao, I feel like we might be getting predictable. Are we getting predictable??


            Oooh I loved going through those comments! And it all started with someone else’s kpop comment! 😛 Love that you guys are still talking about the stuff that you began with- FTI, Block B, and BTS! And I checked @kaybee‘s other comments on that OT and she is talking about Winner and variety shows! 😛 6 months for you guys and 4 months for us 3 does seem like an awfully short time for the kinda conversations we have had!

            Also, I went back to my comments to find my first conversation with @kaybee and after going through like 13 pages (full of comments about SIG, his acting, his hotness, some crazy conversations with other SIG fangirls and IRY) I found it!-


            The conversation really started off quite similar to our SHINee thread conversation! And I hadn’t even checked out all the songs as I had not bookmarked them! Now I have- both bookmarked and gone through those recommendations! 😀

            Here is looking forward to more of our random awesome conversation!


          Ughhh that’s horrible >.< Have you taken lessons with someone else since?

          Oh… so THAT'S what you were talking about on your wall with @obsessedmuch hahaha. Well, if it makes you feel better then it's ok I guess.
          You can't remember what ice cream flavour you got??? How and why… hahah Cookie Dough is pretty good. Depending on the brand. Sale ice cream is a win win though I hope it is tasty!

          Hahahahaha I mean… maybe… that sounds like every other conversation we have. Although we've been talking for 8 months don't seem to run out of things to talk about so…


            Nah, it hasn’t been that long and been really busy. Plus, don’t know if I’ll have time for it this semester and it’s hard/expensive to get a good teacher who shows you proper technique and actually teaches you stuff like, oh I don’t know, how not to ruin your voice by improper use lol.

            I’m tired and busy, okay!?! 😛 I’ll save the ice cream for tomorrow, think I’ll be off to bed in jiff.

            True dat m8 *fistbump*


          Hahaha understandable. Praying you find one eventually then hmm.

          I know you are haha I’m just teasing. 😛 Oooh a treat. Good idea.

          Here’s to all the future conversations!


          Oh that’s just the first thread. We then talked only via OT’s for a few weeks, till we started having 6 part comments each, and switched to email. (Which kekeke @kaybee you’ve never actually replied to my last email. But it was 9k words and it’s a lot easier to talk on the new site)
          It does! But hey, fast friends can be made in shorter time haha. Also, when did you an I start talking? It was on the new site right? When it first began, maybe even day one… Did you initiate? I feel like you initiated…

          Ahahaha oh wow! Trust Kaybee and music lists to start a convo hehehe.

          To infinity and beyond!


            Lol OTs were never my thing! I was not much into chatting with beanies earlier unless you count the IRY ep 16 thread which is all me for like the last 3-4 pages! But I know you guys enough to say that I am not surprised you guys talked so much :P.. the new site has made things so much easier! Notifications are heaven-sent 😉 If only we start getting notifications for comments now!

            Yup definitely! It sometimes takes a comment to become friends for life!

            Yup. 9th April. The SHINee/kpop thread. Yours was the first reply! I don’t think we ever talked before on the old site.. or we might have passed by randomly commenting on something but no discussion that I recall… Maybe kpop was the magic word all along! 😛



          Neither tbh. Untill Kaybee or I needed help with something or had something to share. But It was always awkward cos it usually posted when I was asleep, so I never got to it earlier enough.
          Kekeke we’re the kind of people who if you get us onto something we’re passionate about we just go and go and go…
          So so much so! And yes! Looking forward to that also.

          Case in point, the wedding I was a bridesmaid for in the States? I met the bride online 3 years ago haha.

          Oh it WAS that thread?!? Hahah yeah I know I literally sat there all day refreshing the page waiting for the new site, and then for the next few days did nothing but dramabean. So I was probably like something I can talk about! Wee! haha
          I don’t think we did either. But I also don’t really remember haha.
          Well yeah, not surprising hehe.♥


            Hahhaa… yes! All of us know how to keep a conversation going! 😀

            Wow! Really? That is awesome! Now I know how to get you to India before you turn 80! I just have to get married and invite you! 😛 Though that might not happen either! I am not sold on the institution of marriage yet!

            Yup! I didn’t do anything other than dramabean (is that a verb now? :P) for some days after the new site came up either!


          Ahaha yeahp! Really Really! Got some interesting looks from older generations, when they asked how I knew the bride and if I’d met her before going over… hahaha
          Hahahaha! Well no you don’t have to get married… although I think an Indian wedding would be a crazy an amazing experience to go to.

          (It is a verb now yes. I just coined it. To Dramabean; stay on the site Dramabeans for copious hours, doing nothing but talk to other beanies, post on your beanie wall, and generally stalk and refresh for new posts, interactions and pictures of oppas 😉
          We should add it to Urban Dictionary keke)


            Hehehe… I can imagine the look of surprise on their faces… tsk tsk this young generation!😂

            Yeah Indian weddings are fun if you are not too involved and just go as a guest! 😆

            (Sounds legit. Make a post about it on DB first? We can think of UD later 😛)

            (Also unable to access the site from my laptop today so might not be lurking around as I usually am)


          Hahahaha yeahp! Even some of the younger people, whilst they accepted it easier, there were still like ‘wow ok’ looks when I said I hadn’t met her irl. Lots of people thought it was cool, but different haha.

          I bet!!! Plus all those saris must be gorgeous.

          (Oh yes I should do that. Will make a proper thing for it this evening kekeke)

          (That’s ok. I’ve been bingeing YT videos today anyway, haven’t been on much)


            That’s so cool! I hope I get to see you before either of us get married though ahaha, that would be awesome 😀 I definitely definitely think the three of us should meet up in Seoul for a vacay at one point in life, preferably before we turn old and grey kkkk.


            Also, ha! joke’s on you, bc I just replied to your email today! And it’s even longer than your last one I think. Is that possible? I have no idea, but I think it might be.


          *tries to reply to all you guys’ comments here* *gives up* lol but it was fun to read!

          And lol @obsessedmuch, of course our first longer convo was me recommending music ahahaha, now you can’t say anything when I keep spurting out recs, you knew what you were getting into! 😉 Btw, what did you think of those songs if you got around to them? ^^ Kinda curious now kk.


            Hehehe.. yes! I think the first link you gave in an earlier thread was Seo In Guk’s Seasons of Heart Dingo version! Which was just ♥ and still a personal favourite!

            Park Hyo Shin is one of those guys whose voice can never fail to work magic! I never reach for his song’s lyrics cuz his voice is enough to make me fall in love.

            The Kyuhyun duet- you had already shared later too.. And I loved it and realized why Kyuhyun is considered the best vocalist! Still would have like to see him in the MV!

            MC The Max- Hadn’t checked out this one before but it is nice. I don’t think I will be going back to it much though.. Just nice but not memorable for some reason.

            K. Will “Please Don’t” The song was so good but the MV is so interesting that all I remember later is the story! And Gukkie!

            Jung Yup- I am a LJS fan and it was cute but nothing that will stay with me.. good thing to go to if I am ever on a LJS binge.

            Drunken Tiger’s “The Cure” has already become one of my favourite and counting this- you recommended it to me 3 times already! 😛

            Loved Yim Jae Bum “love” and Hong-ki’s “In the Rain” (obviously)..
            Didn’t think much of Lee Mi Ki “Becoming Dust” somehow..


            I hope so too!
            Ooooh yes that would be lovely. Can we do that. Let’s do that. Actually I got into a conversation with an older Korean gentleman at my church this morning (because there are quite a few Koreans at my church) and he was like ‘don’t go to Seoul, Seoul is big city, go to Jeju and Gwangju’ hahaha but I quite liked Seoul

            Well… you hadn’t when i wrote that… hahaha (and yes I got it this morning, and quickly replying here. My birthday is the 31st of August not the 30th… just so you know)
            Knowing us, it’s totally possible haha. Although grief… what a lot to reply to.


          Yassss on Park Hyo Shin, so much! His voice is so emotionally (and technically) powerful, he just never fails to amaze me. Did you watch his Yoo Hee Yeol perf of it on the PHS special? Tears were literally streaming down his face by the end, like, there was enough to fill a bathtub o.O

          Mmmh yes, Kyuhyun should’ve been in the mv! I hope he does more songs like that once he’s out of the army. And awwww, now I was reminded there’ll be no more gorgeous ballad songs or funny variety from for two years 🙁 So many talented people going to the military this year…

          Aw, the MC the Max song was my first korean song outside of hearing them on dramas. I just love the mv and his voice is pretty incredible. But besides that song I actually don’t find their music that memorable and I don’t listen to it really anymore.

          The K.Will one is just one of the best mv’s I’ve ever seen. I love watching reaction vids to it, bc everyone always have this “whaaaattttt OMG” reaction by the end hahaha. And yes Ziggie!! <3

          I really like the Jung Yup song, but yeah, I agree, even though I have it in my brain and it starts playing if I try to remember lol, it's not all that memorable or amazing. But cute and fluffy which is nice once in a while if you need a pick-me-up ^^ Or, yes, for an LJS fix lol.

          Haha sorry for that about The Cure, it's just so amazing! And yay! at it becoming a favorite <3

          Im Jae Bum and Hong Ki's relationship is just so adorable. Like father and son, but even tighter and just so freaking cute. The way he looks at HK all proud always makes my heart melt lol 😀 And you can so tell that he's been an inspiration to HK, it's all over his singing style.

          "Didn’t think much of Lee Mi Ki “Becoming Dust” somehow.."
          But… but….. but….. *is at a loss for words* No really… It's fine… I'll be *silencing sob* be fine… Don't worry about me…


            I hadn’t but I checked it out just now! And now it is playing again as I type this! His voice makes me cry!

            I actually didn’t have a lot of love for Kyuhyun as such but he slowly won me over by just being so un-idol-like on NJTTW! And yup his voice!

            I dunno how many reaction videos I have seen of ‘Please don’t’! They never fail to entertain me! Cuz they are literally me when I first watched it! 😀

            The Cure is ♥ and deserves to be shared again and again!

            Oh I didn’t know about their relationship! In fact I have just heard that one Im Jae Bum song!

            Ooh you love Becoming Dust so much?? Maybe I checked it out at a wrong time and just wasn’t feeling it? I will check that and MC Max some time later to see if I like it then! 🙂


          On PHS, Please Don’t and The Cure – Yep!! <3

          Kyuhyun is definitely someone who grew on me too, wasn't really that enthralled by his voice or laughing at his variety until after a while, but now I'll really miss both!

          You didn't know about Im Jae Bum and Hongki? Eep! *must find link* They're so adorable! There's been joking about him being his adoptive father and stuff lol.
          LOOK HOW CUTE THEY ARE!!!! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tX5c-74mVeI

          I love Becoming Dust, yes! <3 I head JJY and Roy Kim's cover first, maybe that'll hook you? Also, the lyrics are really good!
          MC the Max's song isn't one I listen to often anymore, but it's such a gorgeous vocal effort, like it's so not easy to sing like this and he's got so much emotion, still love it 🙂
          But if they don't do it for you, that's absolutely fine, music is a lot about things we can't explain and sometimes you just don't love a song, nothing wrong about that ^^


            Wow! I just went and checked JJY and Roy Kim’s cover and loved it! I prefer theirs to the original!

            I think I will have to check out more of their stuff together! It must be such a big thing- getting recognition from the one you look up to! That is one sign that you have succeeded in life!

            Also just read the whole mail thing between you and sic.. haven’t you guys been talking about that for almost 3-4 months now? 😛 So you sent a reply after that long?? Talk about snail mail!


          I really love both of them, they’re so different. I’m happy you loved the cover version at least 😀

          Ikr, it’s like the ultimate career achievement! It’s hard to find yt clips with them both 🙁

          Erm yeah, see, first life happened and then this thing called DB makeover happened and then life happened again and then finally I got around to it pfhahah. Keep in mind that it takes about 3-4 hrs to write a reply, even if you’re focused on it, cuz they’re so long! O.O

          Which reminds me, we need to stop talking in this thread, cuz I keep having go up endlessly to find the right place to reply and it’s getting really complicated lmao.


            Lol! 3-4 hours is huge! But then again, I have had days where the first half was spent chatting with Sic and the next half chatting with you! 😛

            God we having separate conversations in 4 or more threads! Goodbye to this one! 😀


    Appropriate vid is appropriate ahaha


    Yay, tickets! Congratulations!


    jeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeej! have fun!!!
