Alright Beanies, I need your help. With so many new dramas lately and so little space in my schedule, which ones should I be watching? I know it’s ultimately a matter of preference, but I’m curious to hear your opinions on the currently-airing dramas


    Favorite is Because This Life is Our First: down-to-earth with a little spice.
    I only watched one other which was The Package. It’s entertaining but not as grabbing.


    Because This Life so far is my favorite of the recently aired. Breezy and funny with just that right tone of serious.

    For a more wacky type of rom com, Revolutionary Love seems to fit that bill. Siwan is so fun!

    Go Back Spouses has potential. I get the same vibes as Second Time Twenty Years Old. It’s touching and funny. I cried in the first episode.

    While You Were Sleeping. Gets better as the mystery surrounding her power becomes more intriguing. Enjoying that aspect very much.

    Temperature of Love is contemplative romance. The soundtrack is amazing and the acting phenomenal.

    The Package is a surprise!! I loved it! And who can resist Paris?? Easy watch.


    I haven’t tried other dramas yet, but I’m really enjoying the stories behind While You Were Sleeping(which besides being beautiful it has an interesting premise), Because This Is Our First Life(I really like smart, deadpan characters because they are funny and cohabitation hijinks), and Revolutionary Love(which I find laugh out loud funny). Like you said everything lies in preference, but I hope you find something good to watch soon:) Happy drama watching!


    I’ve watched 20th Century and I really how breezy and uncomplicated it is. So far. The characters are likeable. Kim Jisuk is quite handsome.

    If you want a more splashy romcom, Revolutionary Love can be it. Siwon is very entertaining in it.


    I’m in favour of “Because This Life is Our First”, “Buamdong Revenge Club” and “Witch’s Court” – in a that order, though with a miniscule difference between them. ^^
    There’s a pattern here – the female leads are all very different people, but all are strong and worth getting to know.


    Because This Life is Our First is my current favorite. It’s funny yet also gut-wrenchingly relatable with so many winning characters. Their reaction is always surprising in a good way.

    The other drama I watch is 20th Century Boy And Girl. It has slower pace but full of likable characters and interesting relationships. It’s breezy and uncomplicated, with lovely reunited-teenage-lovers premise.
