8th episode of Go back spouses was really good. I never had a hard time swallowing my urge to cry like this before! And I feel bad for Choi Ban Do because he really tried his best to feed his family.


    I cried so much this eps. Watching our resident couple missed their son and mom/mother-in-law was so hard. But I’m also glad that it made them appreciate all the good things in their married life again.


    I loved this episode so much and loved that we got to see it from Ban-do’s perspective this time, it hurt so bad seeing them missing Seo-jinie but at least now they both know that both of them were having it hard and it wasn’t just for one of them!

    And Sohn Ho-joon has such a good narrating voice 😍


      I’m mostly glad that Jin Joo of all people got to know how hard it was for him. She probably would be able to understand him more now. Or both of them would be able to understand each other more. What they lacked wasn’t happiness or love, it was understanding.


        Exactly! I wanted the show to show us Ban-do’s struggles because everyone seemed like they were rooting for the second lead, these two episodes were everything I wanted!


    Loooved this episode. It was chockful with great stuff. I wonder what happens now that happens to be somewhere between 1999 and 2017. Does this mean Jin Joo stays in the past with the previous Bang Do?


      Even I’m very curious about it. Maybe too curious because I was thinking about this when I was going in the bus and came to the conclusion that Ma Jin Joo must be just acting out that she can’t remember anything because it would be awkward for them since they got divorced. My point is, if she pretend that she can’t remember anything, she can be together with choi ban do. Not that great my thinking… I know. But I was stuck in traffic at that time.
