My cat is being weird.
My cat is not a lap cat. I can probably count how many times he’s sat on my lap. He’s also ginormous, so he doesn’t actually FIT on my lap very easily. This morning he wanted up on my lap, so I let him. Yesterday he sat under my desk at my feet, and on my desk for a short period of time. All unusual behaviours.
Usually in the morning, he’ll sometimes get on my bed, and if he’s unsettled get off when I get out of bed, or if he’s settled sleep the day away there.
Sometimes he’ll get on when I’m not in bed, but rarely.
He did that again this morning.
Jacky~~~ what’s wrong! Why are you so clingy! Are you ok?!
I don’t know.
But hey, cat cuddles are always nice. And he’s always been weird, so I guess there’s that.