As the year comes to a close…I just have to say I have no favorite dramas of 2017…I must’ve watched the wrong dramas 🙁
I enjoyed about half of the dramas I watched but none felt special enough to be considered a favorite. Here’s pics of the 4 dramas that I did like this year.


    I am surprised 7 Day Queen wouldn’t have ranked as a fave. From everything I’ve heard it’s amazing and emotional. Grant you I have yet to see it and probably never will – my heart can’t handle shows like this. Of the rest on your list I dropped every single one except The Package 😅


      So I loved Seven Day Queen but I don’t think I could rewatch it so it is *almost* a favorite. There were a few weaknesses with the drama such as that the main couple never felt that epic or romantic to me, there was something lacking as it was a subdued relationship. That’s why I can’t rank it as a favorite. As much as it made me cry, it was mostly for the friendships and family relationships. The ending scene was heartbreakingly spectacular, I will give it that. I just wish the romance/love story was a bit more developed.
