There is so much to unpack in this episode. First off, Jia broke my damn heart today. I couldn’t watch her helplessly crying for Min-kyu while he was literally in so much pain he was bleeding tears at one point! And then for him to be so cruel to her as to reduce every single effort she made for him into a plea for him to not sue her??? Ugh! I get he’s hurt. I get this is self-preservation for him. But at some point you got to look past the betrayal and ask yourself why this girl keeps coming over to make you food. Why she gave you those lights. Why she came even after she hurt herself. Why she had nothing to say in her defense because she was so damn sorry. Why she left while her hand was freaking bleeding from those glass shards and still never said anything. The answer to literally every single one of those questions is that she loves you!!! She loves you, you idiot. So much so that she was ready to live her life pretending to not know you if that’s what it took to keep you safe and alive! No matter how much she hurt, she held it in because that’s the kind of selfless person Jia is. You scornfully asked her today if she was your friend. And the truth is, yes she is. They all are. But right now you are hurting too much to see how much they love you and as much as I hate you being an idiot, I get where you are coming from.

Which brings me to the people who began this whole mess. All those power hungry assholes can go rot in hell! For them to see proof of how bad Min-kyu’s condition is and use that as bargaining chip is beyond cruel. It’s inhumane. And I eagerly await your comeuppance. Because you are wrong. Min-kyu isn’t alone anymore. He has people who genuinely love and care for him. And he has people to fight his battles alongside him. And once he gets his ass out of his head and sees that? Yeh, you will get what’s coming to you. I’ll have popcorn ready when they drag your asses through the mud and drop you back into the pit you crawled out of!

Also, I want to thank Jia’s friend for being pissed off enough on behalf of everyone to give Min-kyu a piece of her mind because God knows he had it coming! Boy needed to hear some hard truths. It’s really fascinating how his tunnel vision blinds him to things he doesn’t want to see. Just like when he refused to see Aji-3 was human, he also now refuses to see Jia’s love for him. Instead turning all their moments together into something manipulative and ugly, thinking it was all an elaborate plot to make a fool of him somehow. In that sense, having the truth out form someone not close to him, who couldn’t give zero fucks about his feelings, opened his eyes to the obvious and made him consider, for the first time that Jia is also in love with him.

Lastly, someone please fire that doctor! WTF has he done all this time treating Min-kyu that he hasn’t even looked for a cure???
Jia: what can I do doctor? Tell me how to help him. I’ll do anything you say.
Doc: LOL beats me if I know!!!! *runs off cackling into the sunset* you’re on your own kids!
Okis so I’m paraphrasing. But omg this guy is the single most useless doctor in all of dramaland and I just want to shake him! You caused half the problems to begin with! In a way you are even worse than Tilda damn it! Gah!!!

Anyways. I can’t wait for next episode. It’s high time we get a kiss scene (I’m being optimistic there is no indication of this in the preview). Something’s gotta give soon right? Right??? *sigh*


    Yes on all points!

    Because okay sure, he was gonna die (and I don’t take this lightly okay). But gosh, i wanted to shout at him in Jia’s defense. She was the /first/ one to ever say, “This is enough. I want to tell him the truth. He deserves it.” She was the one who cried her eyes out she had to be hospitalised. She was the one who had to lie every single time, because that was the seemingly one way for him to survive. She was the one who cried her eyes out, not knowing what to do when he was having the worst allergic reaction – because guess what, after all that effort, he still found out and he’s still in danger. AND NOW IT’S ALL HER FAULT.

    She been blaming herself enough already – for who knows since what episode. And him throwing all that in her face was just not fair (granted, he doesn’t know all of the above, but that’s why I wanted to defend her). 🙁


      Yes! I know he doesn’t know any of this. Which is why I wanted him to open his eyes to the truth. She suffers as much as he is suffering. Maybe even more since she has guilt on her side and its killing her to know she put him in danger. Sigh. I hope this gets cleared up soon. Min-kyu has a lot of making up to do. Preferably in the form of kisses!


    I swear I hope Aji3 recorded some of those scenes somehow so Min Kyu can actually see that Jia never wanted to lie to him. Damn…I can’t believe what this show has done to me. I mean at this point I’m not even waiting for subs to come out because the raw version is already killing me.


      I gave up long ago and just watch it raw now. Waiting for the subs is torture!


    Wow,someone already yelled my heart out…. 🙌 And yes, we didnt get kisses last night,nor in the closest preview, so yelling each other and ended-up cry-kissing no?
    When i saw the raw last night, when minkyu yells and cries, my heart already torn apart, and then JiA left hurted,my heart goes pieces… #sob #whereismytissuebox


      Yes that was so painful to watch when he was yelling at her and being cruel because he was hurting so much! And then she started crying and I started crying with her. And yeh my heart is a mess of feelings right now.
