I had training today for new supervisors. We played an ice breaker game. Find someone you’ve never met before and discover 2 things you have in common. I was in a group of three, a woman and a man. The man started shooting questions at us: siblings, have you always lived in this state, sports, music? I said I’m not musical at all but I like kpop. The woman gasped and said: SO DO I. I asked her if she watched dramas as well and she said that she just finished JBL and it was beautiful but the ending gave her anxiety. When we were introducing each other to the others in the room one of the directors of one of the libraries speaking to us gasped and said: SO DO I. It was a beautiful moment, beanies. I told the woman (didn’t get a chance to speak to the director) about db after she said that she had subscriptions to viki and df. Honestly, if you’re in deep enough to fork over your hard earned dough you are obviously ready for the (most enjoyable) Atime suck that is db.


    At this point, I’m convinced you’re a drama/kpop fairy.

    (But not the evil, scary fairies like in dramas; the fun, glittery ones like in Disney movies and fairy tales.)


      People who have decided to divorce themselves from sanity–a mutual or not so mutual parting–tend to find me. I attract them like flies to honey. Maybe my luck is changing and instead I’m going to start attract kdrama and kpop homies. That would be so much better. OH! And I was at a different library today checking out a hotspot and this adorable lady started chatting with me and the librarian and I was all—I need the hotspot for the KDRAMS WOOHOO. And she started expressing interest. I had NO choice but to tell her to watch Strongest Woman because she wanted something funny.


    You spreading the kpop/ kdrama love is the sweetest thing! 💘


    awww thats so nice to meet someone who loves kdrama just as we do. you surely had good time sharing klove around.
