This felt so comforting, both the hug and having him finally cry!




    That scene in the lift…when his parents were fighting and he was just standing. .The pain in his eyes. .I felt so bad for him. His utter alienation and loneliness. I was so pissed when she referred to him as the biggest of the mess his dad created. And then his answer in the show. .I can’t remember what I talked about with my parents. .aigoo. .I don’t want to see him hurting any more


      Yes, I was screaming for him not to got on that elevator, it must’ve been so suffocating for him to be with them and in a such a cramped place, his face just went blank but his eyes.. so much pain! It’s just so sad that he has to pay for his father’s mistakes, I think he knows that his not-mother is hurt too (seeing how he asked his father to stop treating her like that) and that’s why she’s taking it out on him but it’s not fair.. making him miserable like this!


        Yeah even I thought that his mother betrayed more emotions today. . While listening to the radio…I thought her facade dropped for a moment. .like she regrets what’s she been doing but I could be wrong.


        Well maybe she thinks that SH is responsible for their estrangement. ..who knows maybe they had a happy marriage before. .but I agree it’s not fair to him to be treated this way. He was just a kid. What was he supposed to do?


          Yes, also his father is such a jerk really, as if it’s not enough to go around cheating on his wife but he asks her to help his mistress, like are you kidding me? UGH!
          Yes, and maybe Su-ho too feels guilty about it, for coming into her happy life and ruining it for her, for making her take responsibility of him!
