Let me tell you a Tale. About Banana Milk.
(a.k.a Sic talks too much about things not related to Banana Milk to get to the point because she feels like talking tonight… )

As avid drama watchers most of you will know, at least, through the screen, about the gloriousness (neologism #1) that is Banana Milk.
Idk where you’re all from but New Zealand has an excellent Dairy industry. Excellent. So excellent China wants to buy all our farms. Then again China wants to buy everything.
I digress.
Right, so we have a huge dairy industry, we import all over the world, and all our cows are grass fed. Our normal cheap milk is good. Then we have this fancy boutique creamery called Lewis Road Creamery, that makes, among other things, the BEST chocolate milk in the world.
That’s only slightly an exaggeration. It is honestly amazing. It was in such high demand when it was released they had to limit people to two bottles each.
Now they make more of it so you can buy more than that if you really need more than two litres of chocolate milk. It’s made with real milk and really good real block milk chocolate (from a fair trade NZ chocolate brand called Whittakers, which, if you can find some you should have it cos it’s not like Lindt or espensive (neologism #2) Swiss stuff, but it’s like exceptionally good for a standard block chocolate)
Anyway. Lewis Road = great chocolate milk.

Then, as a special edition, they started making… yeahp. You guessed it. Banana milk AND Strawberry milk. With real strawberries. And real bananas. And no artificial flavouring.
And I, in all my infinite 23 years of wisdom, did not even get to buy a large bottle of this pHENomenal Banana Milk when it was out, but only bought small bottles as a treat sometimes!
And then they stopped making it.
And the only Banana Milk the Asian Marts around here have is this weird Taiwanese stuff I’ve had before that is kinda watery and not thaaaaaat good, and so now I’m sad.

Because along with the lack of Coconut Melonas in my life, I now have no Banana Milk.

The END.