APAD ep 10- Bo young! I feel so bad for her. She’s so utterly crushed from all sides. I hope she gets her bubbly, positive spark back! I really want her to find happiness. But I was quite impressed with how she’s handling it. She’s not pretending to be strong because it takes time to recover from such heartbreak. But she’s just the right amount of vulnerable. She’s still doing her job properly and I liked that she politely asked Dr.Ye to not be so considerate of her and she’s right. She doesn’t need to be more confused by his actions right now. But as other beanies said, I was surprised that she liked him so much. If he has seeped into her subconscious, it can’t be just a crush. But as a ye-liner, I can relate- who wouldn’t fall for that guy?(this is strictly my bias speaking.)
Speaking of the culprit – I can understand his feelings and he broke my heart more today. When he started reciting poetry in the rain- I had to double back- it’s his voice right? But he spoke more clearly without the usual jaw clenching way he speaks( that’s kind of annoyed me from the beginning.).I’m going off topic here. Coming back, it’s clear he likes her, not just after she confessed, but from before itself. So you better make it up to her next week or I’m seriously gonna jump ship.
I’m kidding. But I’ll be pissed.
Speaking of minho- I’m sorry to the other ship now. You didn’t get the romantic scene at the beach you were hoping for. Now I can see why you guys like him so much. I’m impressed by how much he’s matured in just one week. He’s so sweet now. Why couldn’t you be nicer before? I know he has shown glimpses of his better side before, but I was too blindsided by my bias and he always used to undo his niceness. Now I’m seriously considering going to the isle of neutrality. Is it too late to join? What are you doing to me now show?I’ve become like Dae bang in real life too.
Speaking of- Do we see a new OTP in the making?
Finally RIP alligator. I hope Nam woo has enough strength to get through this. But it can be sewn back properly now right? Provided Bo young managed to hold onto it? I need atleast one OTP to survive till the end. Oh Joo yong Joo yong- how could you commit such a heinous crime? You deserve that low TOEIC score( I’m kidding, I feel bad for you too and myself- I can see myself in you and I’ll end up like you if I don’t study. so give me inspiration and start studying will you?)
The chief is really the nicest person I’ve seen in the dept after Bo young. I just want to hug him and tell him that his two beloved juniors are not suffering because of him.
And the preview- Looks like rocky waters for both the ships. I hope it gets decided in the next episode itself. I can’t stand it anymore. But my heart will break either ways. Both of them are stepping up and it’s hard for me to decide. I just want to see her smiling like that last pic.
Okay end of my veeeeeery long post.


    I hear you, oh weary shipper! You are welcome to take a break at the island and watch next week’s developments from the comfort of your seat. We have mango smoothies.
    (By the way, I agree with you on not liking stuff clenched jaws- is poetry making the ice doctor thaw?)


      Hopefully, if it means I can hear him speak more clearly. How does he manage to speak without opening his mouth? Is it a character trait or has he always spoken like that? I don’t remember him jaw clenching in FOS though.

      Thank you for the invite. I’ll consider it. Right now I’m trying very hard to stay on board. I want to be loyal. But it’s difficult when my bias is acting like an idiot and the other guy is slowly making his way into my heart. But keep a life raft ready for me anyway. I Don’t know how to swim.and a place reserved on the island.


        Right. I think it’s a character trait too since he didn’t speak like that in previous dramas.

        I think the story is looking favourably towards your bias right now… but of course the winds muy change in an instant. I’m repairing my Ye Liferaft and will have it ready in case of emergency. If you need me just holler!


          I hope so! But if he turns noble Idiot or misses his timing I’ll seriously be so pissed. If that happens I’ll call you. Thank you for coming to my rescue.


            No problem. I’ll be seriously upset if show takes the Noble Idiocy route too.


    Longest post I’ve read from you and I enjoyed reading it! ^^


      Really? I’ve written longer than this I guess. Anyway thank you for being patient and reading this.
      I initially thought to divide it into segments and post separately so that it’s easier to read and less annoying. But I was too lazy. 😀


        I forgot to add “as far as I can remember” in my post above. I must have missed your other posts. 😀


        I really enjoyed your long post too 😄


    I feel bad for the chief, and also feel bad for laughing at his wrong conclusion. Someone need to correct his assumption before he feels even more sorry toward his two juniors. (Btw, why did I have a feeling that Nam-woo will be the one who spill their secret?)


      I know right? Throughout the episode he kept on apologising and I wanted to tell him-aiyoo it’s not your fault.
      And it’s possible. We have seen so many instances where he spilt the beans. I would love to see the chief’s expression.
