“This f***ing show.”

Those were my exact words at the end of the episode. I actually have a lot of thoughts, but I kind of want to see where tomorrow goes.

(See comments for more.)


    So. Um. Yeah. Still not feeling Dr. Ye that much.

    I mean, we got maybe a glimmer of a personality? But really, still nothin’ on that front.

    Some predictions:
    I think she may decide to date Min-ho, but for all the wrong reasons. I expressed this fear a while back, and now it’s really happening. But I also maintain that I think they may be a better fit long-term. (But still not 100% shipping it.) I also still think that she and Dr. Ye need may need to try dating as well. My initial thoughts in the early weeks were that she’d date him, but end up with Min-ho. Now I think it may be the other way around.

    I don’t know how to feel about that.

    My issue with Dr. Ye is and always will be his lack of empathy for others. (And his lack of personality, but I think I’m basically a broken record at this point on this. Plus, with three weeks left to go there’s really no time for him to get one. Yet somehow they gave Ha Seok-jin enough personality for three shows in one episode. Can’t you spread the love writer-nim? I’ll stop ranting now.) I think that with someone as hyper empathetic as Bo-young, someone who lacks this basic trait can’t be a good fit. I’m not saying he’s a bad person for this – but it does mean that he lacks the ability to read situational emotions and misses cues that something may be off.

    I’ve maintained that someone who is selectively nice based on snap judgments isn’t actually a nice person. I stand by that. I’ve been waiting for the show to give me something to negate that – mostly just show that he’s really socially impaired when it comes to interpersonal relationships or something. However, the show hasn’t done that. It’s shown him to actually be decent in public. Yes he was burned at his previous job, but as far as I can tell, he was still like this at that time. So why is he such an ass? His backstory doesn’t explain it the way Min-ho’s did.

    If anything, the backstory should’ve made him immediately empathize with the patient and react accordingly. Instead he was just a dick. I don’t know if this was for some inane story purpose or whether it’s that he’s just like that (this is why we need a personality writers!) but it didn’t endear him to me. He still just felt flat and cold for no discernable reason. I don’t get why it took Bo-young yelling at him to be a decent person.

    But at the same time, I don’t write him off because he’s obviously capable of kindness. He respected Bo-young’s request to let her get over him. He knew he hurt her when he rejected her, and he was kind to her in a way that shows he’s got some sympathy. I just don’t like that he’s only kind when it comes to Bo-young. The only other person he seems to respect is the Chief, and even that took some teeth pulling.

    So, yeah. I’ma just lie here under my palm tree with my drink and just let the storm rage out at sea.

    (I guess I had more thoughts than I predicted.)


      Sigh. Yup. *hands you a napkin in Caden your hands shake*


      See, I haven’t watched 11 yet, but I’m on a similar vein to you, except that I want more personality, more character from… almost everyone. I want Episode 6’s development in terms of my Radiology Department every episode… not every 2nd… or 3rd… or apparently 6th episode. And I’m not as invested in this show as others because I didn’t like EITHER MH or Ye at the start. I don’t even really care about the romance in this drama. I just want to see more than two characters growing please?
      So I’m on the Island, and have always been, but my romantic wants stuff, and doesn’t really like any of what she’s getting. (except for Kim and Dae Bang like LMAO YES BE CUTE)


        Yeah, forget the romance. Things I really want to see:
        1) More Radiology Department Bromance. But both guys are busy now bonding with other people, so overall not a bad thing? I wanted to see more of them at work though.
        2) Get the two interns kicked out (useless gossips drive me crazy).


          1) YESSS. aLTHOUGH I’m happy they’re getting along with other people, I miss their interactions because they are my faves. I also feel like we haven’t got any Joo Yong development in about 4 episodes? And that’s kinda bothering me because he kinda just ends up with Namwoo and Minho and I swear the last I knew he wasn’t actually friends with them but ok…
          2) What interns I know no interns they literally do nothing for the plot.


      @snarkyjellyfish I’m sitting out on my liferaft feeling bitter about the whole thing… and seriously wondering if the writer hasn’t sacrificed personalities for the sake of the love triangle.

      More tomorrow, feeling seasick now.
