This split screen shots. I would appreciate any (if there are) interpretation on why JA and DH were positioned like this in splitscreens.


    @kdramaswimmer may be the one to ask.


      there can be many interpretation to such scenes depending upon the perspective.

      here i can explain 2. one is on the basis physical distance and second emotional.

      1. In terms of physical:
      a. in first scene both hav their back to each other means they are seeking other one without knowing where to look for.
      b. second one JA is looking towards DH’s closed up face, means JA now knows where to look for to find him while he is still unaware of her presence (as he is still looking away from JA)
      c. Third scene DH and JA both looking at each other and as JA has close up shows DH finally knows more abt her.
      d. They finally accepted other’s one important in their own life and can look towards each other and acknowledge too.

      And now in terms of emotional this all distance and body posture is a metaphor of how they are looking for their emotional connection with the other one.

      I hope it made sense as i tried to elaborate it as much as i could. anymore queries do let me know.

      @greenfields thanks for the tag.
