Our Wi-Fi connection is FINALLY back , it’s been cut off for a week or so and I was about to die of boredom and I missed out on a lot of content in those few days , while I was trying to catch up with some of what I missed , I suddenly realized that it’s ONLY 5: 23 AM ( bangtan !! what have you done to me ?? I’m slowly becoming nocturnal 😭😭😭 which I hate so much ). They are dropping so many things here and there and now I feel lost and don’t know where to start.
I missed DB and I missed watching Kdramas so much , all the rambling was just to say that I missed being here. 💜 but now good night/day beanies.
(This version of spring day is so dang AMAZING that the beginning gives me goosebumps every time I listen to it 💕)


    Welcome back!!! Glad the internet is working again. A week without internet sounds horrible 😱


      Thanks !
      It was so horrible 😩 I even spent most of my time playing Subway Surf lol


    Lolo!!!! I missed you, so glad your internet is back now! 💖💖 Try to get some rest, huh?

    And do you have twt? I can help send you updates if you’d like. 🙂


      I missed you too , Bams. I got some rest don’t worry 🙂
      I do have twt, another symptom of what BTS have done to me. I’ve just made it recently and seriously I’m clueless lol. But no pressure though, you don’t have to send me anything 🙂 it’s fine.
      It’s here : https://mobile.twitter.com/memos8908?s=09


        Thank you, Lolo! Hee, I got twt for them, too. Didn’t understand how it worked for a bit. I’ll try to send things if I can, it’s fun!


    Welcome back!
