Lots of people think an actor is great if they like his or her character, while others think acting is good if they like the movie/series. But those are often a function of good writing/directing rather that good acting! Also many people confuse an actor’s life with his work (he isn’t a saint so he’s a bad actor)!! I’m not even remotely saying such judgments are wrong. I’m just saying that people’s reactions to actors are often complicated and greatly influenced by their bias!! However, mediocre and fake acting is still bad and should not be regarded as outstanding!!


    Korean pop culture tends to be more superstar based, which means “it’s easier for a production company to get funding for a project with a beautiful star than for a project exploring some new creative idea with unknown, but talented, actors”. Therefore, terrible acting is something most of the K-audiences got used to it, and sometime those horrible performance regarded as exceptional (e.g. You from Another Star, Hires, Moon Embracing the Sun, Signal, Moonlight, Legend of the Blue Sea, etc. and a very recent example Life on Mars)


      I never understood the hype on the acting from You From Another Star. I liked the guy fine, but the girl was a horrible character and mediocre actress…


        I find all the performances in that drama mediocre at its best!! I remember I laughed so hard when KSH was crying: https://www.koreaboo.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/02/tumblr_nettd6ccvb1s6qplao5_500.gif
        However, I understand why the drama was so popular: the story was unique at that time + they poured money and luxury (fashion, decors, make-up, etc.) which always works on people…


        really? I loooved the main actress from “You from Another Star” and instead found the main guy to be stiff as a board and really not much of a natural. as a matter of fact, I watched “the Producers” and came to the conclusion that he WAS a bad actor!

        but indeed, I shall respect your opinion… 🙂


          Maybe I should try watching her in something else? Part of it I think was that her character was so overhyped. Every time someone raved how badass she was, I just thought she was a spoiled brat who had no respect for anyone. When her world came crashing down, all I could think of was that she brought it upon herself.


          I feel that both actors in You From Another Star were quite bad (I’m talking about acting only and not the actors, they might be excellent in other roles)… However, as @ghazaal mentioned, because their characters have been written interesting or unique, everyone praised them… I suggest watching some of the scenes without subs and only pay attention to their acting


      Are Signal and Life on Mars poorly acted? Let’s say we agree to disagree then on what constitutes good acting.


        Yes, I really feel two of the main actors in those two dramas had a terrible performance! It’s more glaring , because the rest of the main casts were decent or even really good (even their kid version were better)! Also I’m pretty sure that their characters were not written bad (considering how many audiences can overlook their bad acting) so it was most probably the actors’ misinterpretation of the role or lack of acting talent…


    I don’t completely agree. I think a truly bad actor is going to be bad no matter the directing/writing. However, there are actors that have a very specific niche (usually character actors that do side roles but some find themselves in lead roles) and if they step out of that, they flail. I wouldn’t call them bad actors though. I would just say that they aren’t universally great actors. They just need a specific writing and directing style to do well. There are actors who can work with anything and often elevate subpar writing/directing, and those I would say are definitely magnificent actors that are on a totally different level. Those are rarer to find, and I think the industry benefits from having a range of talents although it stinks when they choose scripts that don’t match their skill.


      I’m talking more about ‘bad acting’ rather than bad actors! I also don’t call anyone as a bad actor unless they’re too miserably bad! I agree that many actors can do alright under a better writing and directing style! But sometime acting is really bad, although the writing/directing is not bad (and it really annoys me when those bad acting regarded as exceptional!!)…


        It amazes me too sometimes but acting is in the eye of the beholder. I get judgmental on other people’s taste in media, but I always have to tell myself that even the worst movie is someone’s favorite. It’s just a matter of different people connecting in different ways to the people on screen.

        The opposite frustrates me when I think someone is amazing and everyone else is meh. I think I have pretty good taste. Lol


    the very last GIF made me sad coz yeah, it DOES look terrible (can’t defend THAT. lol), but Jo In Sung is honestly very good in “It’s Okay, that’s Love”. the crying is more natural and less…
    (damn! I can’t unsee this gif… lol)

    as for the 1st gif: Hwang Jung-eum ! She truly is the Korean Female Nicholas Cage of overacting. in e v e r y single show I’ve seen her in. every single one!!

    [thank you for letting me share my opinion 🙂 ]


      I agree that JIS has been decent in most of his other roles including IOIL… I think these are example of bad acting rather than bad actors… Acting like any other job can be done good/bad with the same actor, depending on the actors’ interpretation of the role and PD skills… they are only few super-talented actors who can be good in every single role, even the worst written characters…


      Your’re right @kethysk
      And I mean bad acting, not bad actors!! I think most of actors can do a decent job in the hand of a good PD and/or writer!! But as you also mentioned, some are always and extremely overacting!! Netizen would crush idols for mediocre acting (e.g. IU in Moon Lover), but I wonder why nobody criticize those veteran actors who are always bad (either with extreme overacting or fake/wooden acting)!!
