Am I the only person who was left feeling underwhelmed by the end of 100 Days?


    While overall I enjoyed the drama and the OTP, I agree that the ending was underwhelming. It seems like the writer just ran out of ideas and suddenly introduced noble idiocy for the main pair as plot device to kill time. Unfortunately, the writers couldn’t even come up with a valid reason for her noble idiocy and it made it seem that Hong Shim didn’t really care for Yul, especially when she in fact selected Jae Yoon as her husband over Yul. It was a good thing for Hong Shim that Yul remained steadfast as she as she certainly gave him zero reason to believe she cared at all for him over the last couple episodes first when she refused to say she loved him, second when she left him and finally she when she went so far as choosing another man over him.

    Also, the final showdown between Yul and Kim Cha Eon wasn’t very gripping but then the shows strength was never the palace politics so I wasn’t too upset that it didn’t drag on.

    I wasn’t surprised by the endings given to the Crown Princess or Moo Yeon. I actually didn’t care what happened to the Crown Princess but would have liked for Moo Yeon to have survived. And were we to think that Prince Seowon was still pursuing her even when she is in exile. I could understand them showing us that Yul once again allowed the Crown Princess to survive we could have been shown her living in exile without the scene including Prince Seowon.


      ALL OF THIS!! Just everything you said plus…

      The war seemed very manufactured. Did I miss all the machinations and build? Or was it just me not caring? It was like the PD just had budget to spend and decided what we need is a war scene….um, okay.

      I wasn’t ever on Team Moo Yeon and, quite frankly, I thought he would have died sooner and Crown Princess would have miscarried. They both presented way too many challenges for the Crown Prince.


        Because the writer wanted to play the guessing game of “whose the father of the Crown Princess’ baby”, all of the interactions between the Crown Princess and Moo Yeon were not properly shown (Moo Yeon was alway too subservient towards the Crown Princess to be the father of her child) nor developed (resulting in me never caring for or rooting for their happiness). I actually thought of the two, the Crown Princess deserved death more than Moo Yeon as she was as much of a cold blooded killer as her father.


    Nope…same for me…underwhelming is the right way to describe the last episode… TT


    Yep definitely! Seeing how they had built up the tension in the last couple of episodes, I thought the final battle between yul and VP would be more intense. I don’t know whether the VP gave up on his plan, because he already had written the letter asking for leniency for his children. Then what was the point of the war? They didn’t show us the conclusion also. What happened to his cronies?
    Also the queen was suddenly shown to be just a harmless person playing ‘pranks’ on the prince. Agreed, she was never as threatening as the VP, but she still didn’t like him. Having the king brush off her tactics just like that and suddenly she’s alright with just the king’s company???

    Won’t say much about HS’s thought process, because I still don’t understand her logic and people have already said enough.

    Also what happened to the new eunuch who was two timing yul? Was very pardoned?
    Where were guard Kwon and ae wol?
    See I’ve too many complaints.
    Only thing I’m happy with- the sleazy noble park getting his comeuppance.


      I thought it was odd that the Queen was allow to continuously be alone in her room with Chief Censor Jung Sa Yeob. Certainly unrealistic for the time.


        It seemed like he had finally stopped plotting and scheming. But he was still going to the queen’s chambers. I’ve no clue about the characters motivations in the 2nd half of the episode. I think everyone just gave up.


      Honestly, 100 Days could be the pre-cursor to 7 Day Queen. Hear me out, there’s no way the King’s Council would allow Yi Suh to be queen. That’s regardless of the Crown Prince reinstating her status. Also, Little Brother Prince is still out there and able to make a play for the throne…


    No. It was lame and full of unnecessary fillers.

    The king was… i can’t.
