I am back to Ruler, Master of The Mask, which I stopped watching halfway back then. Now that the pink filter is gone, I find L’s acting in this drama to be quite disappointing. He reactions are too big, and the tone of his voice when he delivers his line is also off.

Perhaps his flaw is so jarring because he’s acting alongside of Yoo Seung Ho, who is already a veteran actor. But I can’t help but to compare. It was worse when the drama showed us a scene with both of them uttering the same line, with YSH uttered his with enough nuance and tone and emotion, while L’s empty of all those.

I know that L’s a novice actor, and I am setting the bar too high for him, but I still feel like, if only he’s a better actor, because there’s so much potential in that role.

But then again, I think the writer is master culprit here. The characterization, is meh. Probably in the same league of Moon Lovers’ writer. Another sageuk with a good premise is ruined due to the writer.