Omg. Live action The lion king!? So we have allot of Disney classic going live action next year: The lion king, Dumbo and Aladdin. Then Mulan in 2020. Also there is talk about little mermaid. wow!


    Graphically, it looks insanely good. Hmmm…I wonder how some of the more violent/darker scenes will play out especially seeing that it’s more realistic now.

    Dumbo looked pretty good. Hopefully Aladdin is good. Not too sure how I would feel about The Little Mermaid to be honest.


    Ooooh cool, they got James Earl Jones back as Mufasa!! It looks pretty good but dfgh I need to go to bed my first thought at this scene

    was “wow, how did they train the monkey? he re-enacted that perfectly”. Oy.


    I’m really looking forward to Aladdin! I’m not looking forward to Mulan–they changed so much–and as much as I want to look forward to this because I freaking love The Lion King I HATE BEYONCE. I HATE HER. I cant even give a solid reason why other than the overhyping of her, the more I see her overhyped the more I hate her.


    how can they call it “live action” when it’s all CG….

    tho it looks FAB! and Dumbo — so sweetly recreated (the mom rocking him with her trunk scene) — i will definitely see this one, and The Lion King also, btw.

    but call it “CG action” please… at least there was a live human in The Life of Pi.
