I am watching sooo many dramas at this moment but this is the only one which makes me CRY EVERY SINGLE episode despite being Over the top at times….
and this is one such scenes… i can relate to BJS in every bits if his actions, emotional inability to develop relationships and not knowing how to handle conflicts in better way….
i am just like him and all my friends around always say “why are you like this?
why cant you take life leaa seriously?
why you come out harsh at everything?
why cant i talk less harsh while pointing out mistakes?
why can’t i try to be PRETENTIOUS?

and then this moment waa everything i always feel but couldn’t admit ever that “I can’t do everything on my own and i should seek help from people around”
i cried… cried and cried.. feeling for him but at same time happy that he has at least someone as LRD whom he could look upto.

Keep it up BJS ..you can do it…. and hope I can too try letting my guards down and seek help instead of doing all on my own.
*phew.. feeling relaxed now*
*thanks for reading so far*
*feels nice to be back on DB after sooo long*