Boyfriend/Encounter’s first episode was FABULOUS!!! so gorgeous, the colors, the architecture, the music/culture of Cuba… so romantic! i wasn’t convinced about the age gap, but… now…


    I agree. The cinematography was beautiful to say the least. There were two things that annoyed me though:
    [1] The Korean Music that started playing when they were dancing at the club. It broke the really awesome flow and tone the drama had up until then.
    [2] SPOILER AHEAD: So not only is this a noona romance by a workplace/boss and employee romance?! Hmmm…Because she’s still involved in her ex’s life/family, this could get all kinds of stupid dramatic and I don’t think I’m looking forward to that all that much.

    Our two leads are doing a bang up job though.

    P.S. Bogummy’s English is pretty good!
    P.P.S. I love the relationship between Soo-hyun and her secretary outside of work hours. Cursing and everything.


      agree — the salsa music was great, and then yeah… why did they have to do that by introducing korean soundtrack…. was loving the vibe and the beat…

      it did disappoint me to see the preview. why the formulaic trope?


    I knew it would be good, but now I’m back on hiatus until the end of the year. Catch up with you after the New Year! And everything @hades said, ditto for me too. I said this a long time ago, like when I saw MDBC, but Bogum has the most beautiful face and he certainly knows how to use it. I’m also really disappointed about him working for her and cutting his hair. Can’t we just have him smile all day and snap pictures with his vintage camera for 16 episodes? No plot, you say? I’m not really watching this one for plot, TYVM. 😜
