I was wrong.
She wasn’t rendered unconscious until episode 3.
So I’ll now make it episode 6 for IV.


    I swore she’d have an IV when she woke up. I was impressed/disappointed when she didn’t.


    I thought of you during this scene! Too much time on DB…


      I expect a shoutout during the inevitable IV. It’s coming.

      I really want to peer into this writer’s psyche and ask her why she renders her female lead’s unconscious all the time.


        Seriously. I think I’ve only twice fainted in my life and one was in college, while I was at the bank with my mom, deathly ill, but didn’t want my mom to take pity on me. But standing in the queue I went down and woke up with police officers and worried bank employees around me. The second time was while I was on overnight call on the oncology floor in residency and I was pregnant and hit my knee under a counter and the pain rendered me unconscious. So, guess who got to go home and someone else took her call? Yep, because they thought I was exhausted. I was really fine. But people don’t trust pregnant ladies when they say they’re fine—this after I refused to go to the ER to be worked up.
