So, I’m confused. I recently started Prison Playbook because of all the positive attention it garnered by beanies. Because it started in late 2017 and finished in early 2018, I checked to see if it was counted as a drama for last year’s Year In Review and unless I missed it, I didn’t see it there. Now that this year’s Year In Review is up, I don’t see it there either. Am I really missing something here. While Prison Playbook is all kinds of awesome, for the purposes of participating in the Year in Review, I feel like I should have started Life on Mars instead.


    Mary says that it was done last year but tbh i don’t remember it being included last year either.


      It was in the list of shows that they took under consideration but not given any beans by any in the DB Team because they weren’t watching it… I gave it 2 of my beans even though it had just begun airing when the Bean Count 2017 came out.

      So yeah for this year’s bean count purposes, LoM would have been better but honestly both dramas are equally good. Except maybe the ep length issue in PP.

      Oh btw @hades did you spot WINNER’s Kang Seungyoon in PP?


        Oh, that’s silly. Oh well.

        I’m only on ep. 3. Not sure if I missed him yet or not. Thanks for the heads up if he hasn’t showed up yet. The only not so amazing thing about PP is that the eps are super long. I’m going to try to watch an ep a day on weekdays and 2 a day on the weekends.


          I think he first shows up in ep3 so if you haven’t finished the episode, you might see him… He is the youngest prisoner- the bread thief (and hence called Jean Valjean)
