Dance Sports Girls easily became one of my all time favourite drama. Our flawed heroine, the family relationship, friendship, and the OTP 💕
Initially I wanted to write a very thoughtful reviews on how Dance Sports Girls is THAT GOOD and why everyone should watch it but i realized i’m not that good with words 😅 but beanies already write their rave and praise for it and i couldn’t agree more with everything that you said.
But i still want moreeeeee. I wished they added 1 or 2 more episodes or just 15 minutes more to wrap everything perfectly because the last episode seemed a bit rushed. Or maybe i just wanted more cute from the OTP.
Thank you Dance Sports Girls for wrapping up my 2018 drama experience when i thought i was starting to lose interest in kdrama. Turned out once in a while i get to find such a little gem to remind me why i love kdrama in the first place.


    I agree! I picked it up after the second week of its airing and was blown away by how much I liked it. It’s such a heartfelt drama, slice of life meets high school kids. The ‘grown ups’ world was also done very nicely. Good character development too!


    Part of what I liked was how much happened in so little time, so I’m okay with how it wrapped up. I think it’s my favorite drama about high school aged people.
