Since I just finished these 2 dramas, I will give a bit of a review of them.

I Am Not a Robot was super cute and the plot was better than I thought it would be. The 2 leads went well together and the side characters were good. I like the idea of Ji Ah being treated like an idiot by “geniuses” but later gets recognized as a genius herself.
The biggest problem I had was the lack of conflict/threatening villians. Yeah, there were villains but I was never worried about any of them because their plans always failed and most of them became turncoats in the end anyway. So the only real conflict was Ji Ah lying to Kim Min Kyu and when that was exposed, I was like ‘ok lets wrap up the drama now’.

Happy To Die was fun. I liked the plot and I enjoyed the change up toward the end. I thought everything fell into place nicely. I never lost interest in the drama except for that 1 boring episode after -blank- dies…
The biggest issue I had was the pairing of the 2 leads romantically. I thought they went together great as partners/friends but in the end, I wasn’t convinced that they should be together. I don’t think the writers were convinced either. But I did end up liking the male lead in the end.


    Those are my thoughts too about Happy to Die (wrote a looong thing on my fan wall about it).
    I thought that Kang was more suited for her as a romantic partner and she was great with Baek as a mystery partner.
    I was disappointed that after all they went through, so many major elements of the original timeline were just gone. The main one of course being Kang-Rooda romance. I mean Rooda still remembers it, so why the seemingly sudden switch to Baek romantically. (but yeah Baek did change a lot in personality and was very likeable in the end)


      Hear, hear. That’s why I wrote on my fanwall that the drama ended at episode 31 lol. I wish they kept BJS as that person who was at peace with Rooda’s non-romantic feelings for him. Heck, I even ship him with his female ex-rival, forgot her name! They had more of that tension than Rooda has with him.


        Yeah!! she was redeemed well in the new timeline (and for the most part in the original timeline as well) so she could have easily been written to form a romantic interest for BJS without compromising the camaraderie with RooDa.


          Oh, the what-could-have-been. 😥 I feel bad for Kang, who not only lost the girl but also the memories he had with her in the original timeline.


            TT he did loose everything in the romantic department. And to think his character has a loooot of good development in the original timeline.
            Yes, the new timeline brought him his father in a nice way, but that’s about it.
            His relationship with Rooda made him a better Director of the company. I wish they would have kept it.


        I think the plot didn’t even need any romantic story lines. They seemed kind of forced anyway. The whole time I didn’t know who to ship Roo Da with or any of the other characters and by the end I decided to ship no one. They could have all just been coworkers/friends and it would have been fine.
