The start of the New Year has brought my first drop of the year, but fortunately also a new drama obsession.

I sadly have to say good-bye to My Strange Hero since I feel practically zero emotion for the romance in this, and even the melo-revenge plot with KDY is also just starting to bore now. All I really want is more scenes with rebelling against the system to help the school kids, but it just keeps giving more and more flashbacks… Also, although I applaud the screenwriters for resolving the misunderstanding much earlier than I thought they would, they kind of failed to redeem Soo Jeong for me. I just can’t feel bad for her when she was told by multiple people, multiple times, over the course of nearly a decade what she needed to do to relieve her conscious and she willingly chose to ignore that advice each time. I get that apologizing isn’t easy, but did really she have to delude herself into thinking she was the bigger victim to avoid doing so? Anyway, there’s no point spoiling everyone else’s enjoyment of it by complaining every week, so I’ll just follow the recaps and enjoy the numerous adorable Bok Soo gifs of it to come on the fanwall.

In my quest to fill up my empty drama watching schedule I decided to check out an episode of Red Moon, Blue Sun…and ended up starting the new year off bingeing all the available episodes haha I don’t know if this can be considered a good start to the year or not since on one hand this show gives me the heebie-jeebies so bad at times I worry about having nightmares, but then on the other hand I just can’t stop watching it. It sucks you in and doesn’t let up for even 1 minute. I’m kind of blown away by how good this is and how we’re almost at finale week and the mysteries are still as elusively mysterious as when we started. Beanies, check this one out! If you can’t watch it then at least read the recaps so you can play Sherlock with us about the ending!


    My Strange Hero: Smart people ask questions, and Son Soo-jeong is supposed to be smart. But she judged Bok-su and believed Se-ho’s lies even though Bok-su was nothing but good and loyal to her, and did not bother to ask him about the rooftop incident. Badly written character. I’m only watching the show for YSH and her adorable relationship with his mother and his old teacher.

    I second the RMBS rec! My current fave. Glad the show is gaining more fans.
