Maybe it’s because of the way Coach Kim is trying to manipulate her, or my growing dislike for Hye-na, but I’m growing oddly fond of Yeh-suh.

Her expressions of utter disbelief are always gold.


    The thing with Yeh suh is…. she`s a spoiled brat. Typical richg b.tch in a drama, but what draws me to her is her dedication to get to her goal and how she wants to achieve it with her own strength. My heart melted at that scene where she fell asleep studying her worst subject. She doesn’t cheat her way through her goal.

    And I also like how she doesn’t shove herself to Woo Joo. She likes him so bad, even got up the courage to ask him to run candidacy with him. When he said no, she didn’t push. She sulked, but it wasn’t the end of the world for her, and she didn’t manipulate any body to get his attention.


      THIS. is gold.
      Thank you for writing out exactly how I feel about her.


        Hehe ☺️ actually I didn’t know what made me slowly warmed up to her until today when I saw that she fell asleep with her literature book open. She knows her weakness and boy does she work so hard to correct this weakness. I wish she had more than one goal in life cuz honestly I’m worried that she’ll question her purpose in life once she’s achieved this goal or she’s *knock on wood* failed, but she’s not evil by nature. She doesn’t make someone’s life miserable, and now my heart hurts that she’s got these two people who want to break her and her drive for their own personal gain and satisfaction and that she’s not even aware of it 😖😖


          I guess that’s what makes this show amazing. It has the ability to make us change our hearts and minds in the matter of seconds with its buildup.
          I can’t believe it ends next week!😫


          You are so right and it not even Tutor Kim and Hye na doing it. With every joke or comment Yeh bin makes and even the Cha twins, with their jokes and contribution to the election for Hye na. And don’t forget the joy they took in voting to end the book club in part to take Yeh see down a peg.

          She is surrounded by it and she had such tunnel vision the poor girl doesn’t see it.


            I hope her mom or someone to finally show her what she can’t see. If she does fail, it’s going to be so sad to see her broken and lose faith in herself.


      Despite her flaws, i wish i had a fraction of her dedication to achieve her goal. She’s steadfast in what she wants and works towards it. Yes, she is privileged and got stuff fed to her by multiple private teachers, but it also takes a whole lot of determination to succeed for her to put herself in that position. She’s different from the other kids, as she see’s her success as hers and not because her parents pushes her to go to a good university. Ye-suh herself has the drive to succeed. And i applaud her for that.


        We and you are in sync with Yeh-suh. The girl wants it and is busting her ass to get it. And I don’t even see her as a bad person. She is a brat sure, but she is not out there bullying or just being down right cruel to people. If fact her determination has made her quite anti social and not having many social cues ( her filter needs work) and that, to me, is going to be a big adjustment once she goes to medical school. She really is one of my favorite of the kids because she is who she is, she wants what she wants and knows what she has to do to get it.


          That is true! Now that I think of it perhaps her snotty attitude is a result of her anti-social skills and she doesn’t have any friends to hang out with because studying takes up so much of her time. It’s school-home, home-school for her. It doesn’t help either that she’s come from a background that has parents and grandparent looking down on anyone beneath them.


        Right, agree and that she actually enjoys studying and no one is forcing her to get into SNU. Young Jae hated studying growing up and had to force himself to study and get into SNU because his parents were making him.

        Now that I think of it, another reason why she wanted to be at the top of the top is for her mom, who gets looked down by her grandma. So she’s not 100% selfish.

        It’s sad that her goal might turn into her greatest downfall, but if it does happen, i hope she’ll recover just fine and find another goal to pour her heart into.


        Yes, that’s what I envy her, dedication and determination, and I hope coach Kim don’t ruin it for her but if I have to choose I would want to be like HyeNa minus revenge fixation. She is equally dedicated and hardworking, but also has good social skills and entrepreneurship. YeSeo thrives in because her whole environment is tailored toward that, but HyeNa make things work for her.
