Sky Castle Ep 14

CRAY CRAY CRAY to the MAX! This drama pulls no punches.

I’ve told myself to expect anything yet I didn’t see that coming.

I love it when a show gives details which matter. Not drop them like crumbs which lead to nowhere or even forgotten.


    Ep 14 was amazing. So many things happening. So many questions asked a d answered.

    The ending was unexpected 🤯.


      I can’t help comparing this drama with MoTA – how this one does almost everything right and MoTA is messing up badly.

      No one runs around in this drama like a headless chicken nor questions tossed and never get answered. The Candy girl is far from bland and what did they do with her? *Splat* No fairy tale ending of getting acknowledged by Rich Dad nor did she wait for her Prince Charming to solve her problems.


        Right and there’s actually a plot to follow and we don’t get tossed and turned by the events just because the writer says so. There is a story to the twist. It’s backed up with logic. Hye Na’s death (errr if she did die that is, but really who can survive that height) makes more sense plot wise cuz she stepped into the world of chaebols in hopes she too can get her own happy ending. She played the role of manipulating b.tch to survive, but not enough. It’s a great representation of reality that these big wigs get away with and it needs to be put in a limelight and puts a stop to it. I hope she does not die in vain, and that Woo Joo mom steps up again to unveil what went on. Too bad she’s no detective, so I want to see how far can her writing get.

        Secretary Seo’s death was totally unnecessary and I personally felt like it was a ploy to toy with our emotions. I’m over this writer who changes her own plot just because she can. She did that with W when she made a decision to reset her story (ie the plot twist to make her male lead have a freaking amnesia 😒) I should have know better than put my trust in her.


          Re: survival rate, that’s Kdrama after all, people here survived worse 😉 so we can have hopes for another medical miracle.


            😂😂 Right. K-Drama and Marvel/DC Comics really are no different with how high their survival rate is. Everyone just doesn’t die 😭

            Anyways, serious mode on, I feel like it will be less dramatic if Hye Na actually survives that fall. She’ll be able to pin point her murderer, and I feel like it doesn’t bode that well given how this drama has been dropping real bombs episode per episode and what we saw each cliffhanger was never an illusion that their situation gets better. I feel like it would be inconsistent had she made it alive. Not that I don’t want to survive this, but like, sigh, Whatever I’m rambling and not making so much sense.


            @13infamyss, no I totally get it, I want too, Hye Na to survive, because she is my favourite atypical heroine, but on the other hand for the sake of show integrity I want her dead.


    After seeing that dead fly and what happened, is it wrong I kind of chuckled because people do drop like flies in that community.


      To be fair, this is only the 2nd death. I must say it shocked me though. Just like how they killed off Young Jae’s mom in the first episode. I couldn’t believe the woman took a rifle out there in the snow and blew her brains out.


        The 2nd death that we, the viewer have seen. Why we only see 4 families, the community is a bit large.


          I never thought about that. Maybe enough craziness to go around?


          That is true. Perhaps that kid who killed himself before Young Jae’s story was a resident of SKY Castle too. Otherwise how is his father and Young Jae’s father friends. They’re all doctors. Now that I think of it, maybe that family too was from that community.


            Coach Kim prepare specifically for SNU medical school, so maybe that’s why, and seems that this doctor families are hell bent to have every children of their to become doctor too.


    And what struck me was narrative, when Coach Kim asked SuaH if parents will be able to love children who aren’t perfect and don’t live to expectation and camera showed Seri and her mother trying to reconnect through something normal like mother-daughter shopping, and it remind me of all the flashbacks of abuse Young Jae’s parents put him through when he got less than perfect grades.


      Which is why I was surprised he went to find his father (I guess anything to twist the narrative to get the investigation into Tutor Kim going by Woo joo’s Mom). I mean, the man was going to shoot him at one time when he was a teenager. There are just some things that would justify not being forgiven.


        I think it’s hard to determine how much a child can forgive their parent.


          You are so right. I can see it as him evaluating things after time apart. They both lost someone important and need to lean on one another right now. I hope that was not the last we see of them now they are reunited because their storyline was really interesting.


            I am watching Children of Nobody at the same time. It’s interesting to see how one parent who is a advocate against child abuse actually abused her own child. Yet she cannot see it as such.
            Unconditional love may exist but it’s always more complicated. There’s expectations, projecting your goals onto the child and even desiring the best for the child at whatever price.


            I am reading great things about Children of Nobody from you all and I will watch it one day. I just need a break.


            This! This was why although I found their reunion touching, I wish we were shown what made Young Jae come back to his dad. I wish we knew how the reconciliation happened.

            @outofthisworld I agree with your statement – “I think it’s hard to determine how much a child can forgive their parent”. We’ve seen this happened with Se Ri and Prof Cha too. After she outed her true feelings and that she didn’t want to be the kind of daughter he wants her to be, I thought for sure she would ran away from home. That she would cut ties with him cuz she’s tired living for his dreams. But what did she do instead? She had a nice getaway with her mom, then she still went back home, knelt before her father and asked for his forgiveness. At the end of the day, her love for her family made her come back and want to reconcile with her dad.

            Speaking of Se Ri – love love that scene from ep 13 when she walked away from her fight with Suh Joon. I honestly thought that she made such a fraudulent crime because she isn’t scared of her dad. She isn’t scared of the fact that her dad will go nuts once this big fat lie gets out in the open. But man, when she turned and walked away after she said she’d figure out a plan, her face betrayed her fierce composure. Gaaaah she does fear what’s about to happen and how much the truth will break her family.

            And then cut to her plan – send a confession text to her dad, lol. Well at least Prof Cha learned it directly from her and not from anybody else.


          If child was raised in such an environment that parents constantly rammed into his head that their abuse is sign of love, it will be hard for him to reject them or call it what it is.


        Yes, he wrote in his diary how much he hate his parents, but his mother’s death clearly broke him further, and she committed suicide after reading his diary, that was one unhealthy family.
