Reply 1994: man the amount of excessive drinking in this show is alarming..
korea should review its drinking culture, i hate how they actually force people to drink
by associating it with social norms


    On the bright side, the country seems to be really cracking down on drinking and driving at least. They just passed a law starting February to lower the blood alcohol limit to .03, one of the lowest in the world!


      well it’s a step in the right direction at least.. although DUI is not the only problem caused by their drinking culture. i’ve seen interviews where korean people (even a few celebrity interviews iirc) said that because they don’t drink they get excluded from social gatherings and that it’s hard for them to socialize/find friends. also the way they portrait that being good at drinking is something to be proud of, or how it’s considered rude to refuse a drink from a senior so they are forced to drink lest it impacts their personal/professional life..i think that’s also a problem


    thank god, they already did.

    and son seung won (age of youth, welcome to waikiki) will the first to be punished under this new law.
