Ahhh, I was worried Dong Mae was using opium in order to deal with emotional pain, but he’s dying isn’t he? I’ve been joking to myself that he’s been surviving off of money owed to him alone and the need to collect but then he just gave all his money to the candy seller saying he doesn’t need it anymore. I’m—
Other things that wreck me: Ae Shin’s crying. When she mourned for her mentor and then her maid, I really can’t. And then the Joseon people creating a human barricade in order to protect her and let her mourn really made me sob. I was so happy when the enemy didn’t open fire though. I’m sure it was because the captain spotted the American English teacher in their midsts and couldn’t be happier that she was there.
Loving Hui Seong and his paper. I’m sure everyone appreciates him spreading all this news and making the people aware that a fight is still going on. Another moment I liked dealing with him, was him bringing his new wife home and his mom accepting. That unspoken understanding between the two was short but lovely. And then the dad is the dad…but at least he loves his son? Lol. I guess.
Still in the beginning of the last episode. I’m gon cry a lot, I know. I miss Hina already. I’m sure she’s watching with a fab outfit somewhere. T__T


    Just by reading your post made my eyes water…
