I’ve been meaning to say this, but… did he really need to remove his jacket to take pictures? 😂😂😂
PD-nim I see you couldn’t resist PBG’s charms either. Thank you for giving us that sexy scene (Dress shirt+ pulled-up sleeves= Death by hotness). 💫💖💫💖
( I guess this is as close as we’ll ever see him shirtless, hehehe).


    (Better range of motion? I did it all the time when I had to photograph events..)

    …or the PD loves us. XD


      I know it’s probably easier to move without the jacket, but even taking that into consideration… it was still extra AF! Not that I mind that in anyyy way.😂
      I’m grateful for PD-nim who loves us and is willing to engage in a bit of fan-service.
