I thoroughly enjoyed first two episodes of Romance is a bonus book. I’m one of those who enjoy LJS even if his characters are similar. I’ll take what I get before he enlists.

But it was Lee Na Young’s character who I truly enjoyed. I expected another bitter mid-30s ahjumma who never been kissed but I got a strong woman who wants to take back her place in the world.


    same here.. he is elegant..( i don’t know what is masculine of elegant) 🙂 and that’s hard to come by ..

    he is just so refined always!!

    He is going to be my 1st serious celeb crush.. enough to follow through the lifeline


    I am so happy you also liked her character because I really adored her… she is strong and wants to overcome her difficulties… although I found a lot of people are still not happy with that characterization..


    I loved Lee Na-young too! She was tough, smart, strong and capable, even if the world refused to acknowledge it and I really look forward to watching her get her groove back.


    ooooo i haven’t seen it yet, and i was generally excited about it, but i had the same expectations for LNY. super excited now that you’ve said this!


    Should I watch this live???? I just don’t know!!!


      Give it a try …I hope you like it..


      The heroine is someone who was ace in her field before she got married. Then she became a stay-at-home mum for 11 years and lost all her credentials. Now she’s trying to find her place in the world again. Even though she’s on the edge of breaking down because her life frankly sucks, she’s still quite strong willed and doesn’t wait for a shining knight to save her. I especially loved when she said “I’d rather to write my own story” even when there was a swoony second lead who was ready to save her.
