A Reminder to Self

To all of you who grew up hating your unusual name,
Who found yourself as the anomaly in most of your life.

To all of you who got accepted into a major that people kept saying didn’t suit a dreamer like you,
Who scribbled poems or musings at the margin of your exam sheet,
Who love number as much as you love words.

To all of you who put aside your younger self’s dream to pursue a more ‘realistic’ one,
Who followed a winding road to an unknowable future,
Who is still trying to find your life partner.

And to all of you who chose to share a piece of yourself in this online community,
Know that you are loved and precious the way you are.

Love, February 💕


    I’ve accepted that I have an unusual name and that I will NEVER have a keychain wih my name on it. I’ve accepted it.
    I still want the dang keychain.


    Thank you thank you thank you for this, gadis.


    Always a pleasure reading what you write! My name is common enough—in my mother country, but not in the US. When I was given a chance to change it legally as a child, I didn’t because there wasn’t a name I liked better. Here’s to unique names!


    Thank you so much for these words

    I have an uncommon name

    I’m a nurse because I needed a career that wasn’t made of dreams

    I’m still unsure where I’m going and if it will be with anyone

    Thank you for sharing yourself, it makes me feel less alone
