Sigh. Looks like I’m going to have to shoo Dobby away, or (more likely because I’m nice) pick him up, sit in my spot (yes, it’s MY spot!!) and set him down in my lap. I do this several times a week.

My first cat (avatar & banner) also liked my spot, but after a few weeks we settled into a routine where all I had to do was stand nearby and he would move over onto the armrest, I could sit, and he would step over onto my lap and go back to sleep. When I say he was the best cat ever I mean it.

Dobby has had almost 10 years and still hasn’t figured that out. He’s not super bright except for knowing when it’s time for his annual trip to the vet and finding good places to hide.

PS, he doesn’t Love February. He wouldn’t know February from his litter box 🙂