I didn’t have enough time on my hands to participate everyday, but I feel like I needed to say this today…
I’ve lived a fast-paced life from a young age, because of my family’s lifestyle. We were always moving around. This has been wonderful in many ways. I learned how to quickly adapt to situations, I got to see a bit of the world, and I experienced a lot of cultures. But at times, it’s also been a double-edged sword. Keeping in touch with people is hard, and that often resulted in short-lived friendships, which sometimes made me feel like there were no constant relationships in my life; especially when I’d meet people who had friends they’d known for as long as 10 years! That blew my mind, and frankly made me a little envious.
But I’ve made great friends of my own along the way. Some of my closest friends literally live on different continents now, and we only see each other like once a year (if at all). But they’ve taught me that true friendship isn’t about proximity or how long you’ve known someone. It’s about having each other’s backs no matter the distance between us, no matter how drastically our lives change (among other things).

Having a nomadic life has made me develop a deep love for nature. Especially the mountains, the sea, and the stars. No matter how many times I move, those things will remain unchanged. I can the stars wherever I go, the seas and mountains I leave behind will be the same if I go back. It might be strange to think of it this way: but these things comfort me.
And they remind me that love is what remains when when everything else changes.
