Like many, I’m having such a hard time wrapping my head around this new episodic format, lol. I try and I try and I. Just. Don’t. Understand.

Seriously side-eyeing broadcasters right now…


    Lol, Go Kyung-pyo cracks me up.


      Let’s be real here. We all know I just wanted an excuse to use these faces of his 😛


    Same. Ruler has a slightly better grasp of the split but suspicious partner’s have been fairly awkward. I love that they have to remind the audience to come back after the break. I wonder what the Korean audience thinks…


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      I watched Suspicious Partner live this week and there weren’t even ads aired between the split episodes, unless the online version was miraculously different than what was aired in Korea. That’s why I’m even more perplexed by the choice right now. Does splitting the episodes somehow affect the ratings in a positive way? I don’t see how it could be enough to justify this.

      Yeah, you would think a rom-com would fit shorter episodes better, but there’s a breezy quality to Suspicious Partner that makes it suit the hour-long format, especially since it’s trying to balance romance, comedy and thriller elements. Ruler, on the other hand, has been making use of the short episodes to highlight its many dramatic moments in a pretty effective way. Still, I feel like the split hinders that sweeping quality I love to get from sageuks.


        Hrm, that is odd. It could be different since it is online, but I honestly have no idea how that works since I’ve never done it.

        The idea I think was that broadcasters have more time to air commercials. Before they just had the break between shows, but now they also have the time in the middle of the episode. They also may be able to charge more during that commercial break because the idea is that the viewers are more likely to stick around and actually watch the commercials instead of changing the channel since the other half of the show they are currently watching will come back in a few minutes.

        Honestly, I’m not sure how the ratings are going to play into this whole situation. The importance of ratings is that the higher the ratings the more money broadcasters can demand for commercials to be aired around that drama. If the two halves are different ratings, I’m not sure what that proves. Ideally, the ratings would be about the same because then people are sticking it through the commercials and people aren’t just tuning in after the commercials or dropping it because of commercials.

        However, they should at least treat the halves at one and not this silly “40” episodes of 30 minutes each to represent a storyline obviously built for an hour long episode.
