Warning: Trigger post…

A few more negative thoughts about The Crowned Clown….

I am genuinely sad that the queen cannot bear a child. But under these circumstances why is she even expecting she ‘has’ the chance of conceiving a child? Her husband is dead. She is the mother of the nation who is committing treason by protecting a fake king with whom she is involved in an adulterous relationship. But is she thinking as far as to ‘want’ to conceive a child with her fake husband/king? Is she secretly planning on marrying him to make the process proper – we need to think about the times guys.

She is clearly not the righteous Queen the show is claiming her to be. In fact NO ONE on the ‘good’ side is righteous by any means. In a parallel drama world the good side is clearly the villains.

Sigh…I really loved her as Buja and I wish she hadn’t picked this role to play. What is this drama trying to teach us?

End rant.


    I totally agree. I said the same thing in the recaps. I’m not upset that good people are doing wrong things. I’m more upset we are being told these good people AREN’T doing wrong at all. It’s not even “the end justifies the means” anymore. They make it like these characters should receive awards for doing greedy things “evil” people do just because they are part of Team Good.



      Honestly this could have been a completely different drama just by reversing the good and the bad side.

      Good side- avenging the brutal murder of the rightful crown prince. Wanting to depose a fake king.

      Bad side- murder of the rightful crown prince and murder of current king. Treason. Evil Royal Secretary.


    And this is why I’m not bored. It’s not following the usual saguek story line. I may regret the whole thing once I see the ending (no I won’t, because I’ve enjoyed watching Jin Goo so much).


    Not to the same level but it’s remind me of Jung Ha Yeon’s Queen In Soo. Where there is no definite line between the villain and the protagonist. The protagonist in that drama is also scheming, but there is the reason behind their action of what they think is right. Both side have their point and it’s absolutely why i like the crowned clown so far.


    @peony thought I should just tag you here as a reply in the recap 😊


      I’m so sorry I only saw this now, when I was cleaning my notification box! You might’ve felt weird when you tagged me and I didn’t show up.
      And there’s no use of stoking old wounds in our hearts.
      With my heartfelt apologies, I’ll say just this and go.
      I wanted the Queen to feel the righteous fury she SHOULD feel, instead of giving up and LAMELY going with the flow and robbing us of the epic young queen we were promised.
      I wanted just ONE scene of her screaming “I was robbed of my chance to say a proper goodbye to my husband, I was TRICKED into loving another one AND I was robbed of my health and the gift and blessing of ability to bring life to this world! NONE OF THIS IS OKAY AND I’M GONNA KILL EVERYONE!!!!!!!!!%^&()@@%^^&”
      There. All better. What I was disappointed over is, that she didn’t cry of her loss of motherhood, but weeped she couldn’t give an heir to a man she barely met! What about women-power? At least Ha-sun was in his right mind that scene.
      I remeber in Empress Ki, Empress Dhanashiri, an arrogant, spoiled brat of a character whom I despised, was devastated when she found out when the Dowager has ruined her, and she tried UNBELIEVABLE amount of crazy therapies to be cured. And it was because she loved kids, she wanted to be a mom, not because she wanted to give the Emperor an heir.
      I respected her IMMENSELY for that, and it was one of the few moments I felt SO sorry towards her life.
