The life of a kdrama addict.

So. Friday night I finish Fiery Priest and think to myself “what can I watch now before my weekend dramas?” OH I need to rewatch Along with the Gods – Two Worlds, because I love it, and I liked Joo Ji Hoon (I couldn’t believe it was the same deadpan actor from Goong and Mask).
I finished it Saturday morning and loved it as much as the first time I watched it.
Did anyone catch the similarity between him and the illustrations from “The Little Prince”? Complete with long flaring coat, in the desert and his hair flaring up and over his head?

Ran some errands and got things done, and so thought I’d look on Netflix for the latest episode of RIABB -oops they are a week behind.
What’s this? Kingdom? With Joo Ji Hoon again? I read this was good so I should try it?
ACK!! I had to take a break between episodes to do random things like clean the house and do laundry.
Watched RIABB between episodes and now can’t get myself to watch episode 6.

Amazing special effects and acting on all parts. Now I’m watching ITEM only for him – but I feel bad that the story is so poorly written.
Bottom line is that I can’t watch anything other than Korean dramas and movies now.

Wait a minute – “Leaving Neverland” is on HBO… hmmm maybe I’ll turn on the subtitles…..


    Did you watch Along With the Gods: The Last 49 Days? So good, and even more Joo Ji Hoon.

    Leaving Neverland was wrenching and awful, and I hate humanity right now.


      Yes I watched the second one – but will rewatch it this week with decent subtitles.
      Just finished the first episode of Leaving Neverland – whoa – so disturbing and sad – for the boys, not MJ.
      I’ll watch the next episode of Item to see if it really is the sam Joo Ji Hoon. I loved him in the Along with the Gods series.


      I’m not sure I have the heart to watch Leaving Neverland.
