The number of comments on the episode recaps is really low isn’t it? I miss Memories of Al Hambra because of its excessively numerous and funny comments.


    I’ve noticed that as well. Some of the shows are fun and I like watching and reading the recaps – but I don’t often take the time to respond. There are shows like MOTA and My Ahjussi that foster such deep conversations.
    Maybe everyone is too busy? I like the recaps – always..

    Thanks to all the work you do Dramabeans staff!!!


      The delay in the recaps coming up. Several of the recaps are several episodes behind and they only focus on writing right away on the shows they like.


      Most of the current shows have very few beanies watching. Very few shows bring in the entire bunch.
      Sometime I wonder if they can skip a a detailed recap and just do the comments so they can cover more shows. Like a mini recap. Some shows have a lot of discussion on beanie wall but never had recaps (e g My ID Gangnam) it’s sad to see recaps with little to no comments.
