Young Soo (The Light In Your Eyes) was at first very funny but soon he ceased to be. His utter lack of responsibility and free loader habits annoyed me to no end. His character was like a black mark on a otherwise insightful and perceptive drama. I couldn’t understand what the writer wanted to convey through the character.

Well, I had to eat my words. I never had a drama turn the flaws I had found into something entirely opposite. What an amazing show!


    As much as I like SHJ, I disliked Youngsoo a lot. But he’s the sweetest pumpkin in present.


    so why was he home? to take care of grandma?


      Was he home? I don’t think so. I thought he has not been home for quite some time as evident by Dad asking him to come back.

      Hye Ja’s memories of Young Soo at home is probably a mash up of her real brother in terms of personality and the actual Young Soo whose dream was to be a successful youtuber or whatever they call it.


        but we have scenes with mom and dad with hye ja missing and they are still chidding him about not having a career


      At this point, its safe to assume she was thinking about her brother and they were just creations of her mind. It sounded from this scene that he hadnt been home for some time, away on business.


        so, how is this dementia.. if she is hallucinating..that’s more like good old hallucination


          I can’t answer your question since I’m not a medical professional or dealing with such patients in a professional capacity. However from my observation with people suffering from Dementia and Alzheimer’s, it’s like pouring a few boxes of jigsaw puzzles, mix them up and can’t put together a whole picture. Add to the jumble of memories, confusing the past and present, you also have hallucinations and change in personality.


    He’s such a good pumpkin. 😭 Their relationship had my heart throbbing.


    I still don’t understand what the writer was trying to convey with him. I don’t think making him imaginary takes that away.


      I may be inferring too much from such a short scene but I think Young Soo’s choice of career clashed with his parents. However, unlike the imaginary Young Soo, the real Young Soo managed to make a living out of it or at least it seems that way. He is able to give his grandma some allowance and to live on his own. Would the message be the perennial generation gap or the new economy?


    Oh my word, I loved this Pumpkin! He is so sweet to his grandma and I can see how he dotes on her, and vice versa. He was super annoying most of the show, but this scene was the best.
