Near the very end of episode 7, this pull back shows what looks like an electronic device in the room where DH’s father “Committed murder”.


    It look a bit like air con remote 😉


    And to think that nobody has found this device yet.


    You have only 14 pages of fanwall, which is very low, but then I do have verbal diarrhea. Also at least 1/3 of it is HdLL posts which is kinda weird for me to scroll back through, considering how much I dislike that show now. What was your final thoughts on that show, did we ever discuss that, I don’t remember.

    But anyway I didn’t come here to say any of this, I came here to ask 1) if you still want to know what the Lamb means in the Vincenzo shitpost drawing and 2) if you do, is there a way I can contact you, should you be willing, that is NOT dB?- a tertiary email address, or a Signal account perhaps (Signal the messaging system that is). Only if you’re comfortable with that ofc.


      HdLL – no, I don’t think we really discussed it. It was ok, not on my rewatch list. At the time, I was reading the comments on Bitches Over Dramas while watching – there were interesting comments on the various mythologies, the meaning of the vignettes, etc.

      Just loaded Signal. FlyingTool.


        Congratulations, I have to continue to be awkward for a bit and you get to witness it! whoo!– *swallows frog*

        Dilemma: Sigh, signal needs a number not just a username to add a contact. I would just send you my number but I don’t want to send direct numbers on dB. Long term, I use signal more for messaging, cos it’s easier.
        Solution: I remember a year ago I shared a google doc link to an essay or something on here, but I shared a closed link not an open one. Because I realised this late, I actually *have* an email address of yours from when you asked to access the misshared link????? adlfuhalsdk.
        If you don’t mind, I will send you my number to that email and you can find me on signal.
        I’m sorry this is so much more convoluted than it needs to be 🙈 Both email and signal are secure, but signal is easier to message on.
