No, HPL, no matter how hard you try, I won’t feel sorry for Eun-gi, or find him cute/appealing in any way. He makes me SO angry. He thinks he owns her, and it’s so gross. I wish he would just go away.


    Ugh, and same goes for Choi Da-in. Why do we have to resort to childish, selfish second leads who won’t take “no” for an answer in order to manufacture jealousy and have the main leads confront their feelings? There are other ways, HPL. Ways that don’t make me want to throw things.


    There does not seem to be any reason for his character, other than to help drive Ryan to Doek Mi – but that is ALL. Now for him to just back off – The two second leads in this show are soooooo annoying. But we are just half way through – what will happen now?
    Jealous Lion is cute – hurt Lion is heartbreaking…


      You nailed it. He is pointless. He doesn’t even seem like a solid friend to Doek-mi.

      They just have a history of living in the same house and that is all that is being hung on to.


    Yes, they have a way to go to make a hateful character
