This week’s ep of ALML was a huge improvement from last week’s. Even though they spent a large portion of it apart, he got to pursue his strange dreams and she’s realizing how much she loves him.


    I quite frankly adored this episode because I dig this kind of angst. That dance scene was BEAUTIFUL

    My two issues are (1) I still don’t know how this God stuff works and what Sunbae Hu’s role actually is. It keeps getting murkier by the episode and I don’t think they’re going to fully explain it. (2) I very much hope we’ll get to see Dan and Yeon Seo love each other together just as much they do when they’re apart. Because then…what’s the point


    Yes and Yes again @Bdxpelik! The last episode was all about love – and simply being there was enough.
    I will admit that I cried a LOT during this episode.
    But I also cheered when Yeon Seo stood up for herself every time.
    Still I’m confused about the head angel and what his story is..

    but that dancing…. was wonderful!


      I loved that she was on board at first with Kang Woo’s Giselle, but after realizing her own feelings, falling in love with Dan despite the many times he broke her heart…. she cannot loathe Dan. How can she ever? She loves him so much.

      Yeon Seo’s feelings for him run deep, her feelings for him changed her to become The bigger person she is now, and this is breaking me more and more.


      Also this…. writer… lol she made Giselle about Yeon Seo and Dan! With Dan being the trailer that Giselle fell in love with. LOLOL

      But we paralleled Giselle with Yeon Seo and Kang Woo lol

      writer-nim is definitely getting the kick out of twisting stories we all are familiar with. Lol


    I didn’t understand Halmoni’s story??!! Who was pretending to be who? And why did Angel Noel disappeared for 30 years then came back?


      I think that the Halmoni was blind when she met the Angel- and though he wasn’t her real husband she accepted him and he LOVED her. I don’t know about the coming back after 30 years part – but the point was that the time they spent loving each other was what mattered.
      Also, she knew he was an angel somehow.


      I think her husband had died thirty years previous to when Angel Noel was assigned a mission with her. The Halmoni originally mistook Noel for her husband miraculously returning to her after 30 years because she was blind. I think Halmoni may have let people assume that Noel was her husband, even when she knew he was actually an angel, so that may have been why the people working at the home thought her husband disappeared without a trace 30 years ago and then returned out of nowhere 1 year ago.


        Yes, I think that’s exactly right. Oh gosh, it broke my heart when Dan mourned for her. It’s these little stories in dramas that steal my heart. @brownieoholic I don’t expect them to explain everything either. But I’m just going with the (turbulent) flow of the story. Even if it makes very little sense. Mm, whatever.


      Thanks @stpauligurl @hobakky I rewatched after reading your guys’ post and I think I understand it better now. So I`m guessing he came to celebrate the remaining days of her life, and then somehow he ended up prolonging her life, prevented her from dying the natural cause because he fell in love with Halmoni. Halmoni said her angel was no monster because he showered her with love, and that I guess made Dan reflect on his actions and what could/might happen to him and Yeon Seo……


        Thanks for these thoughts. Somehow this writer has managed to write about love in such a beautiful way.
        I hope at some point she explains the business of killing angels who fall in love.
        This episode and the resulting discussion here made it even better for me.

        Thank you @13infamyss and @hobakky– this is why I love Beanie discussions!


          Same!! Can’t wait for the recap pages to be up and read all your guys thoughts!!!
