Classic kdrama trope – rescue from being hit by a speeding vehicle, the making of a couple… except in this case they were(?) one? A future ethical/legal problem for our team?


    This show poses problems in the context of real time search key word rankings, and has our leads argue the different facets. I suspect at some point their past will make the news, causing our team at Barro problems.


      I’m curious…are they public figures in the drama? if their not public figures or celebrities, I don’t think general public will be interested enough to land them on the real time search keyword rankings.


        Remember, they don’t have to be public figures to land them on the real time rankings. One example is the missing child thread, and another is Tammy herself rising to the top of the list through manipulation. In any case, when the couple – who are both extremely senior at their competing companies (1 and 2 in their industry) are outed, it will becomes news. The conflict *should* be set up so that there are valid arguments for and against leaving them on the rankings. Of course the writer and PD could just be trolling us…
