When The Secret Life is My Secretary first premiered I wasn’t planning on liking it at all. Let’s face it, chaebol boss coming down a notch or two by his hardworking candy secretary, is a premise we have all seen and faced. Yes sometimes the heart wants some mindless dribble but I surely did not expect the story, the characters and even the insane writing to pack such a powerful punch.

The first couple of episodes were nothing extraordinary. People getting fired, controlling chaebol mothers, corporate shenanigans blah blah blah…I basically tuned out but sat up and tuned in when I realised the refreshing dynamic between our leads. Do Min Ik was not a controlling asshole in a well fitted suit. He was actually sweet and considerate. He treated his hardworking secretary more like a buddy than a subordinate – their earlier interactions showed a lot of lines were crossed without complaints – and best of all, he was cute as a button *insert heart eyes* An orphaned boy with a medical history was trying to make his adopted mother happy. He was trying hard to make it and fulfil his mother’s expectations of him so that she would just love him *insert broken heart emoji* Hell he even spoke in pout ffs! How much cuter can someone get?

Dal Hee as the hardworking secretary was exceptionally cast! Her switching characters was a delight to watch.

Even with all the lying and deceiving and the fish cult randomness, the writing and character building still shone through. And my god Veronica Park! AWESOME!!! I could write a gushy essay on how much I adored her but unfortunately I need to go and make dinner now.

All in all TSLOMS was an enjoyable watch and I will recommend it to anyone who wants to watch a hearty rom com with a solid cast.