Law of the Jungle is one of those shows whose concept is hard to explain. Idols/celebs go to remote and often dangerous places in the world and try to survive. Leader Byungman is the heart, soul, and brains of every team. This series is in the lost jungle of Thailand and, in a nutshell, the team of 5 or 6 people has to spend the first 24 hours without their fearless leader, Byungman. So, in pictures, here’s the bumbling effort they made to build a shelter. (Pic 1) – the team floats in on a thatched roof raft. (Pic 2, 3) – the team rips off the thatched roof and sets it up as a shelter. The raft remains on sand, untouched. So I’m thinking, “Surely someone will drag the solid raft over to create a safe sleeping surface. After all, it’s in one piece and ready made for the situation.” But no. Not one of them thinks to do that. (Pic 4) Next day, Byungman shows up and starts splitting bamboo to create a sleeping surface. (Pic 5) Then, someone sitting on the raft says, “Oh, we can use this. I didn’t see it [to use] before.” (Pic 6, 7) Raft used for survival shelter thanks to Byungman. Five people stranded in the jungle and not a single solitary one of them thinks to use the already made raft as a safe surface? It’s like they never watched Law of the Jungle before. Remind me not to sign up for this reality show. It’s a disaster waiting to happen every single week!


    well, only 5 pics could be posted, but you get the idea . . .


    you know what i am curious about.. how much of this show is farce..
    i wish people who live or know about any of these places could throw some light

    As per knetz some solid proof have been given over the years that this show is an ultimate super high level of farce (beyond what you can imagine)


      I’m fascinated by the disconnect between a lot of the celebs on the show for stuff like traipsing through the wild and/or swimming at night in the ocean to find food. Who knows how much is staged. Still , it’s a weird concept all around no matter how you look at it.


        he he..
        but i guess you are right to the extent that difficult or not, it is just fun to experience weirdness and “wilderness”


    There was an episode with Yugeom from GOT7 where they were building a “shelter” son the beach and because of storm they couldn’t sleep. The next day everybody was exhausted and when they were looking for food, few hundred meters there was a half cave with ancient paintings which was a perfect place to build a sleeping place. Why they don’t consider fruit as a nutritious food. Just a coconut has so much proteins as any meet. You can have enough energy with just fruit and some roots.

    Who will go to Patagonia to Law in the Jungle in fall? What you can find to eat while trekking on Glacier Grey in the national park of Torres del Paine? In pampas you could catch some guanacos but you have to be a great hunter to do so. I’m sure if they had caught one they would eat it in one go and don’t think about the days to follow.
