Perfume has really turned things around. The first two episodes left me a bit leery about what this show is about with so much focus on women’s looks. But the writer has found a way to show how women are more than just their looks.

Yi-do especially is flipping all the tropes about being only concerned about looks and outer appearance. Granted I’m wondering if he thinks she is so miserable because of her looks, or now because of the horrible man she is married to.

Either way, he is just stealing my heart with how much he cares for Min Jae hee – no matter what she looks like.

Finally, the way he tells her that people think you are weak because you are a woman, and so the only way to get back is to use me and gain power was awesome!
He loves both sides of her!

This scene reminded me of Tanya in Arthdal and how she decided to get her power.


    I think he hates her circumstances, but words he’s using are making her think he’s talking about her appearance.

    If they screw up this end game I’ll be very angry.


      Interesting that I didn’t interpret his words that way. To me it meant women are less powerful.


        Oh, I wasn’t commenting on this particular scene. I should have been more clear. I agree with your interpretation here.

        What I meant, or rather what I was commenting on, is what he thinks about Min Jae-hee (her real self, not the perfume transformed version). He’s mad and hurt that she doesn’t recognize him, and also seems to be angry that she has allowed herself to be treated so poorly by that scumbag husband of hers. However, she interprets his statements about her pitiful life as a commentary on her body.

        I’m actually sad that they began the show in the way they did because it turned off so many viewers that might otherwise enjoy the journey it is taking us on. It was jarring, offensive, and honestly a bit traumatic with the suicide scene, and I wish they had found a different way to jump start the narrative.


          Ah yes I agree with everything you wrote here. Perfect…
          He is also conflicted that he cares for her ‘perfumed’ body… it will be interesting when everyone understands.
          On another note, how sweet Min Kyu was to her in the alley?


            Yes, I’m liking these brothers more and more. They may be in professions that deal with physical appearance and perfection and all that jazz, but they are genuinely sweet and caring beings. Weird as hell, but sweet.


    I keep reading everyone’s updates to this show. I was interested but the first responses turned me off of it, but if they have turned it around I might give it ago.


      I recommend it – just get past the first two episodes and it gets better each week.
