That plot bore no relationship to the plot of Giselle…


    Didn’t they borrow a writer from abyss?


      I feel like this was a more cohesive show overall than Abyss, which had no idea what it was doing or what it was trying to say. At least Angel’s Last Mission had a message, even if that message was the trite, “Love is selfless. It saves us from our selfish selves”.

      And while I’m sure people think the show “squandered its potential”, this is basically the plot of Twilight and it unfolded in almost the same way – with the odd final episode kdrama twist.

      The problem was, in their determination to tell the story they wanted to they trod over character development and plot sense in the final two. Honestly, little of it made much sense. I have no idea why her madness was supposed to mirror Albrecht’s madness when textually she was supposed to be Giselle. In fact, in the show she was both Giselle and Albrecht for the whole thing and that made very little sense to me.

      Dan was pretty well just… there…. which does not entirely make him a pot plant but he comes damn close.

      Unless you mean they literally borrowed a writer from Abyss, which I don’t know.


        The first 4 episodes are written before the shooting of a drama and after that they don’t do any editing so the writer loose it’s thread and after it’s too complicated and they’re looking to the original synopsis and they’re like oh, we have to wrap it this way. It’s pitty though.


    We were trolled. It was never Giselle, never Swan Lake, never Romeo and Juliette, …ARRGGHH!
